If Meppa really was a secret son, what would Moe have planned for him?
A contingency plan if Kellhus failed the test at the Tree? Moe never could see past that crossroads, and the shortest path ended, once again, in a dead end. Did he sit around and wait for this last hope, knowing that it was the true shortest path? Seems unlikely.
Probably more likely that he decided for forge another trail. Moe knew that it would take a full Dunyain to tame Earwa. After all, his half Dunyain son Maitha could only manage all known practitioners of Inrithism under the guise of some meta-Shriah. If one half Dunyain could capture half the world, then why not 2 halves to make a whole? It would take more time, certainly not the shortest path, but better to have a contingency plan for the almost inevitable failure of Kellhus.
So Moe sent his fully trained son to capture the hearts of the Three Seas, and then set out to find a suitable host for his next son. Some whore that could bare the weight of his seed. Just a lucky coincidence that all 3 of his living sons were all of the Few. But where Maitha could not hope to control all if he delved into sorcery, this youngest son could of course be fully trained in the ways of the Psuke, avoiding the pitfalls of the Dunyain training that would stunt his abilities.
With a father that could fully devote time and energy to proper training, Meppa grew to be quite the little potential meta-psukari. However, before Moe could finish, his eldest son, crazy as a loon, shows up at his door. You know, Moe probably wouldn't have died if Cnaiur didnt also show up, and wasn't so stupid as to forget his chorae. Whats a little knife wound to a Dunyain?
Don't know how Meppa losing his memory fits in, but the fact that he has no past means that we can insert whatever theory we wish into it

. So, how about it? Anyone got a timeline and some ages that could help prove/disprove this nerdenal?