What else are you into?

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« Reply #60 on: May 08, 2014, 07:24:29 pm »
Lol - you worry much about Bakker, don't you, Wilshire ;)?
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« Reply #61 on: May 13, 2014, 10:23:05 pm »
Lol - you worry much about Bakker, don't you, Wilshire ;)?

Can't help it. The body is such a weak vessel for the mind.
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« Reply #62 on: May 14, 2014, 01:01:59 pm »
Isn't this more like : Bad luck that your body is home to such a weak mind?!  :o ;) ;D
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« Reply #63 on: May 15, 2014, 01:34:23 pm »
Lol - you worry much about Bakker, don't you, Wilshire ;)?

Can't help it. The body is such a weak vessel for the mind.

Isn't this more like : Bad luck that your body is home to such a weak mind?!  :o ;) ;D

Lols all round.
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« Reply #64 on: May 20, 2014, 02:57:25 pm »
(Opens Nutshell)

Well I am in my mid 20's. Two kids to keep me busy. Work in a senior position in an IT company. Involved in a lot of things with my work but generally Project Management on corporate scale project, design through to implementation, nice job to be doing at my age and decent money.


Meyna gratz on the solo. I used to play WoW before I had my kids but mainly played 2s, 3s and 5s arena. I was actually ranked in a couple of seasons. Stopped playing hardcore after defeating LK Heroic difficulty as Druid raid healer/leader when ICC was current content. Got the "Of the Alliance" title for killing over 100,000 horde bastards. Now I generally play a few RPG's/racing games/fps on PS3 and anything PS1 emulated on my Kindle Fire HD.

Reading: Fairly obvious one this. I have read hundreds of Sci Fi and Fantasy novels, generally I find an author I like and just read everything. SF and Fantasy for me. Read about 2-3 books a month on a bad month and have been doing that since about 11 years old.

TV: Enjoying Game of Thrones and recently The Walking Dead. Enjoy most stuff Sci-Fi/Fantasy as long as its well made. Also a big fan of homemade British dramas. Most things on TV are American but every now and again we get an absolutely brilliant British Drama - I don't know why but British Dramas are the best on TV - maybe just because they resonate with me because I am English.

Films: Big film buff here. Watch most things as soon as they are available and try to watch a broad range.

Pretty athletic guy, play football twice a week and cycle an average of 6 miles a day with 20 miles on weekends.

So that's me in a nutshell.

(Closes Nutshell)
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 03:03:51 pm by SilentRoamer »


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« Reply #65 on: May 21, 2014, 12:18:49 pm »
Meyna gratz on the solo. I used to play WoW before I had my kids but mainly played 2s, 3s and 5s arena. I was actually ranked in a couple of seasons. Stopped playing hardcore after defeating LK Heroic difficulty as Druid raid healer/leader when ICC was current content. Got the "Of the Alliance" title for killing over 100,000 horde bastards.

Thank you!! I've been playing on the same toaster of a computer since Vanilla, so I could never keep up with PvP (not that I'd be proficient otherwise). Congrats on 100k HKs! I think I had around 25k on my old main on a PvP server before I switched to PvE. Now I only do battlegrounds when I need to farm the various currencies. Luckily, Alliance winning AV is still always a sure bet!


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« Reply #66 on: May 24, 2014, 04:44:51 pm »
@SilentRoamer - Hello!  Welcome!  I haven't seen many British dramas, but I fell head of heels for Luther.  As an English Footballer, do you have any advice for an American who would like to follow football?  I think I would love to watch, but I don't know where to start, what teams are what or anything!


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« Reply #67 on: July 06, 2014, 06:41:15 am »
I've worked at many different restaurants, cooked a variety of styles, and under some fantastic cooks/chefs (relative to the places I've lived).

I'm semi-addicted to the rush of being involved/leading a functional service (breakfast, lunch, or dinner). I could care less for being personally creative in a culinary way - though I love helping someone else manifest their vision - but considering before I started in the industry almost ten years ago, I couldn't microwave a can of beans, the requisite knowledge has been satisfying.

But it's strictly a waste of my time.

And unfortunately, bar certain situations with academics, people of Bakker fandom, and, most of all, books, I feel intellectually alone in life, let alone work. Thankfully, I grew up with a group of friends who gave me a cutting wit so I can hold my own with the worst of the worst of kitchen humour.

You're not alone buddy.  Ive been stuck working with idiots my entire time in the Army.  I mean that too. Anybody with half a brain gets out and does contracting after their contract is up.  Only idiots stay in because either they can't make their own decisions or they chose a stupid job to do in the military and they realized there is no civilian equivalent.