Kellhus's narrative supports this. Kellhus's narrative is not THE narrative. Especially when the whole argument is that he's beginning to lie to himself about what's happening.
Sharmat, you appear to think I am contradicting you. Not the case.
However, the argument that tSA is related by an unreliable narrator is flawed. The mode is from the semi-omniscent non-participant and is not conducive to such a technique. The only place where credibility is truly compromised is in the epigrams and glossary.
Kellhus is
not the narrator. His PoV
is part of THE narrative and is as reliable as Cnaiur's (who is even more obviously insane) or any other character. It is clear that the events and actions depicted happening to and around Kellhus do actually happen, but Kellhus' avowed assumptions and conclusions may indeed be faulty.
Reread my earlier post and you should understand that I am talking about how Kellhus frames what happens to him. My point is merely that he clearly feels the source of his emotions arises from an external source. This doesn't mean that is what is truly happening, my intent is to show that there are alternate possibilities beyond your conclusion. He could be being manipulated by the No-god, Moenghus, the Consult or, as just as you are convinced, simply deceiving himself and he can no longer understand nor control his emotions. Or he could be guided by the soul of the world.
The narrative supports all of these possibilities, I'm only pointing out that your conclusion is one possibility of many and the way that his subjective reality is actually presented.