Hmm, yeah, I'm really unsure how I should be considering Moral Realism. I find it hard to believe, but on the other hand, it seems weird if there isn't.
Do you believe in Mathematical Realism? But yes, Moral Realism has a "leap of faith" aspect.
So as to not clutter the quotes thread, I'll drop this here.
I have the same sort of problem with what little I know about the topic of mathematical realism as I do with the notion of moral realism. That is, it seems absurd to think that "realism" applies here to something that is clearly a "function" of mind, yet, also seems absurd as if there were not something outside mind then.
So, I'm not sure. I guess I'd take something more of a position that there is
something "real" there, but as for what, well, I guess I'd be skeptical that it is what, exactly, we could say were what we think of as our mental concepts.