But honestly to answer you question, I answer that way because, imo, the likelihood that someone will offer some unique insight is much higher if they're allowed to explore the thought rather than have 20,000 posts of 5 year old conversations pushed onto them, as well as all the interpersonal baggage that that carries as well.
The statement "gods existed way before Arkfall" is conjecture based on extrapolation from the information that we really do have, just like the original statement "gods didn't exist before arkfall" (well, it was phrased as a question, but you get it). I was not exploring the veracity of either.
stuslayer's original statement seemed, to me, to be be requesting some additional info, since it was a question rather than a statement or an elaborate fully formed theory. I was hoping that, with the information provided, I'd encourage a completion of the idea.
See, I already know what I think, and I already know what most of the regulars think about the subject (probably). Even though those conversations are great to have, I thought I'd give stuslayer some room to maneuver and perhaps come up with something interesting that we haven't already discussed.
Should that not happen I might then later give my own input as its entertaining to talk about. Even though I likely don't personally disagree with whatever is being said for or against this topic, I'll likely take a contrary stance to whatever is being said, since it makes for better conversation. (On that note, as I see it, nothing is worse than a bunch of us standing around shaking hands and congratulating eachother on how smart we all are for agreeing on everything - lol.)
Hope that answers your question MSJ
