Finished Lord Foul's Bane by Stephen R. Donaldson
(27)On to American Gods by Neil Gaiman
So far, very well written.
Donaldson created a acerbic and unlikable protagonist whose fundamental unbelief in his situation leads to some original and fascinating plot possibilities. You should at least read the second novel, "The Illearth War". You may be pleasantly surprised.
Acerbic is a new word for me

I fear that I'm too far displaced in time for Thomas Covenant. Certainly within the context of the time, Donaldson did something very interesting, but it doesn't speak to me. Maybe when I'm older, or something? If I read more Donaldson, it'd probably be from the Gap Cycle. There's just a ton of authors to read...
Even with 27 books this year, I've still got at least that many on my to read list - which only includes Book 1 of any series, and few repeat authors. Even at this pace I might not get to the end of my list this year, which was basically made up of every recommendation from this forum up until 2016, plus a few straggling addition from later. Once I get through that, I might go through my favorites and complete a few series, which will probably take another year at least. Then I might browse through all the recs from 2016 to date (probably 2020 at that point), plus additions from new publications. That will probably take another few years to get through ... So I've basically got 5+ years of recommendations to read if I maintain my current pace (which is doubtful). Covenant will likely not be up for redemption until after that time.