Board Games and Miniatures

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« Reply #105 on: April 13, 2019, 12:21:16 pm »
Very nice, H. Kids thought it was neat too.

I always liked the story behind the Necrons.
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« Reply #106 on: April 13, 2019, 09:17:27 pm »
Well, finally sort of got around to doing something...

So, here is something of a "color study" on a Necron (well, half of one)

Nice work, thanks for sharing :)
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« Reply #107 on: April 29, 2019, 12:07:34 pm »
As it so happens, most of my families and friends have a lot of board games. I thought maybe a good gift idea, rather than buying a game they might not want (or worse, already own), it would be cool to get some upgraded pieces. Something maybe of nicer material like metal or stone, or a nice hard wood, or even just sturdier resins than the cheap plastic/cardboard that can come with games.

I found , which has some great stuff. Metal meeples and sets of coins. The coins, which they have several different sets for a variety of games, can be used rather generically for lots of games, so I thought that would be a good idea. But, I got to thinking, does anyone know where these types of things can be found, or/or made? Custom game token, or upgrade kits/packs for either specific games or just nice tokens that can be used generically for lots of stuff?

This isn't quite the same as Miniatures, since clearly those are all game specific, but more like generic minis that might be used for multiple boardgames.

Any thoughts on whether people want this kind of thing, or suggestions on where to look?

For the curious, these are the best coins I could find, and they have nice looking metal Meeples as well. Found them via Wyrmwood, so you know they're good, and from my research these are probably the nicest sets of coins out there.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2019, 12:19:16 am by Wilshire »
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« Reply #108 on: April 29, 2019, 06:32:27 pm »
Yeah, gameboard pieces and even gameboards themselves - all fair game on this thread ( really anything is ).

I don't know much about upgrading the components themselves. I've pimped out my Lobotomy game which is just putting all of the cards in plastic holders and using some nice small plastic cups/lids for chits and whatnot - essentially just organizing the game with some protection. But I've not gone the route of replacing components, but I'm guessing there are places around that provide this sort of thing, I'll ask around.
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« Reply #109 on: April 29, 2019, 06:47:45 pm »
Here's a list of board games I've played over the past few months. Feel free to chime in any you've played with commentary.

Epic Tiny Galaxies - good game. Impressive given how much game there is to such a small board with a modest amount of components. I won and had fun, would play it again. Strategic, area of control type game.

Mansions of Madness - dice chucker, medium to high randomness, drenched in theme, dungeon crawler-ish, Ameritrash. I love horror, so I liked it before even playing it. It is fun, it's a semi/co-op. Having the app is immensely helpful and fun to use. We lost, but one player won since they went insane ( if you go insane, you get a secret objective, which was, in this case, if we fail then he wins ). Not super awesome, but it was fun to play and I enjoyed not competing with the other players for once.

Viticulture - worker placement, pretty darn good game, nice balance and fun to play. Played twice, lost twice, but came in 2nd this last game we played. Basically plant grapes, make wine, bottle and sell it. Sounds simple and boring, but it's highly competitive and strategic making it a lot of fun trying to figure out best approach with the frustration of being cock-blocked, etc. Warning, worker placement games bring out the best in people :P

Sythe - the funniest game I've played with my current group so far, but I love the art, so maybe I need to play it a few more times before I make this statement. Area of control with combat - just had a blast making mechs, hee hee! I lost, but had a lot of fun. Asymmetric, but balanced, pretty impressive game.

Terra-forming Mars - well, this is the grand daddy of gaming ( many think this is the greatest board game ever made ). It is complex, but a lot of fun. Steep learning curve, but not insurmountable, once you get your sea-legs then you can play it just fine ( i.e. you don't have to keep going back to the rule book,  just need to get it all in your head how to play your cards ). This is an engine building game with some area of control. I've played it once, playing it again this coming weekend - it is fun, but want to reserve judgement on this until I get better at it. It has expansions for which we're adding this weekend, so my head may hurt a bit. Not much cock-blocking, really - more of how well you play your cards.

Catan - very easy, basic game to play. Great game to introduce to non-board gamers. It's a fun game, easy to learn - good bit of randomness to it, but there's strategy as well. Makes for a fun party game.
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« Reply #110 on: April 29, 2019, 10:48:36 pm »
Someone responded to me in FB and says Etsy and are both good places to get upgraded components.
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« Reply #111 on: April 30, 2019, 12:17:33 am »
Bunny Kingdom - This is a fantastic game. Its an ... area of control? ... game. The artwork is great and the pieces are well done. Lots of strategy to building your kingdom, but the game makes it feel close until the very end so everyone wants to keep playing. This is important for my usual group because there's almost always someone who runs away with the win.

Bring Your Own Book - This is a funny little party game where you grab a random book and Apples to Apples style, someone reads a card prompt and you have 1 minutes to find a quote from the book. It can be fun, as far as these types of games go.

Dominion (with Intrigue, Seaside, Empires) - Been playing a bit of this. Classic, maybe The Classic, deck builder game. Build a deck, snag as many points as you can before the game ends. Tons of cards, which makes for a lot of variety even with just the base game and 1 or 2 of the dozen-ish expansions.

Photosynthesis - Tree building game. Great themes, nicely made pieces, you grow trees through the seasons. Honestly, played once, won once, and there's not enough deep strategy for me to want to play it again. Its functionally a solvable game and you have near perfect information which limits the permutations a lot. Still fun once or twice though.

Gloomhaven - Played the first scenario 3 times, lost twice, one the last one. This dungeon crawler is like a video game made into a boardgame. Its fun with the right group, but too intense for my group.

Spirits of the Wild - This is a fun one. Simple, easy to set up, easy to explain, and some really interesting emergent gameplay with high level players. Plays 2, maybe 15 to 20 minutes for a short game. Could take 30 minutes+ if you really agonize over it. Highly recommended.

Viticulture - That's a fun one! There a lot of variety to this that makes it seem worth many, many plays. I've only played it twice, won the second time. Unfortunately you can get dealt a bad hand at the start that makes catching up very difficult, or gaining and holding and early lead. Still very much recommended though.

Plenty of others to post! I don't win many games myself, but I have friends that own tons so I'm often playing new stuff, especially around the holidays. I'll list off a few more later


Scyth - Very complex war game. Basically a alternate history post-WWI setting with mechs, you compete to conquer part of Russia. Its a lot of fun, but there's a ton of rules. It took nearly 6 hours for 4 of us to play through it one time (with two of us being new).

Spirit Island - YES. This game is awesome, and since good cooperative games can be difficult to find, I was very pleased with this. You are spirits trying to stop the colonization of your island. There's 8 spirits, and the game only plays up to 4, plus many mechanics that are recommended to add one at a time to keep difficulty/complexity lower for new people. This makes it easy to bring in new folks, and allows a lot of ramping up of difficulty each time you win.

Terraforming Mars - I agree with TH's assesment above. Its quite a fun game! I like the theme, the flavor text on the cards is fun, and there's a lot of great details on the artwork. Definitely a lot of mechanics to keep track of, but ultimately not too terrible to wrap your mind around. Less going on than Scythe, for example. I managed a win on my first go, I think I got lucky with a couple cards early, but it seems you can win without needing to absolutely understand every mechanic. Just knowing the end game condition and that you can spread yourself too thinly to be effective is enough to eek out a victory. This is true for most Engine Building games though, so no surprise there.

Azul - Easy to set up, easy to play, quick (multiple games in an hour), plays well with 4... and plenty of strategy despite all that. Definitely recommended.

Castle Panic! - This is a fun cooperative game where you defend your castle against an army of incoming Orcs, goblins, and other creatures. Plays 4, is pretty fast (maybe 60-90 minutes), and is usually well balanced to where you find yourself close to losing but not necessarily overwhelmed. Short and longer play setups are present, and from what I've  gathered the longer setups tend to be much more difficult.

Wingspan - is a resource management / engine builder. You get a player mat that has different biomes, and your goal is to get points by placing/growing various birds on your mat. The artwork is brilliant and pleasing, and it seems to be a good engine builder with simple mechanics which can lead you down a couple different paths to victory.

Ex Libris - you play as the curator of a town library. You compete with other players for the best/rarest books, trying to impress the city inspector who assigns points based on size, stability, variety, rarity, and theme. Basically you collect cards in various ways, arrange them in alphabetical order as best you can. Its pretty fun, a worker replacement game, and the book titles (of where there are some 600+) are pretty witty and brilliant making it fun to read them.

Bargain Quest - though only about 15% of it as we ran out of time. You are a shop owner trying to sell wares to heroes, who then go out adventuring with your gear. If they live and kill monsters, you get fame, and they get gold which they can then bring back for more gear. They can also die, in which case you get no fame. The dead heroes are rotated out with new ones. Each turn you compete with the other players to attract 1 hero to your shop. This one was quite fun, and I wish I played more of it. There's something of a bidding phase each turn where you compete mildly to grab the best customer who can buy your stuff, which means plenty of interactions with other players without be overly competitive.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2019, 12:01:14 pm by Wilshire »
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« Reply #112 on: May 08, 2019, 04:53:27 pm »
Omg, this is hilarious! I mean, well, no - it's not funny at all - it's tragic and completely fucked up and criminal and terrible - but it's hilarious that a dude who just started a Kickstarter for his card game is being called out by people in the KS comments ( anyone can back a KS for just a $1 and that gives you access to making comments - so if someone is fucking up a KS, they get flamed as all fuck in their own KS comments, it's quite the entertainment, let me tell ya ). Anyways, this piece of shit is being bashed in his KS comments for all sorts of fucked up stuff like possible IP infringement ( apparently he got the "go" to do this from a message to GoT producer in LinkedIn ) and his personal life madness internet footprint is being shared as well. Here is the link to the KS and here is youtube video of him playing a video game whereby near the end he is abusing his child and gets into a fight with his wife. Of course, he's fucked up and I'm fucked up for sharing, I in no way think abusing a child is funny and he should go to prison for it - but it is hilarious all of this "documentation" on the creator is being shared ... so I'm sharing with you'all as well  :D
 - Child abuse begins at 7:53:45
 - Fight with the wife begins at 8:01:35
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« Reply #113 on: June 13, 2019, 07:04:16 pm »

Scyth - Very complex war game. Basically a alternate history post-WWI setting with mechs, you compete to conquer part of Russia. Its a lot of fun, but there's a ton of rules. It took nearly 6 hours for 4 of us to play through it one time (with two of us being new).

Spirit Island - YES. This game is awesome, and since good cooperative games can be difficult to find, I was very pleased with this. You are spirits trying to stop the colonization of your island. There's 8 spirits, and the game only plays up to 4, plus many mechanics that are recommended to add one at a time to keep difficulty/complexity lower for new people. This makes it easy to bring in new folks, and allows a lot of ramping up of difficulty each time you win.

added this to my earlier post.
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« Reply #114 on: June 14, 2019, 01:47:18 am »

Scyth - Very complex war game. Basically a alternate history post-WWI setting with mechs, you compete to conquer part of Russia. Its a lot of fun, but there's a ton of rules. It took nearly 6 hours for 4 of us to play through it one time (with two of us being new).

Sythe is a winner, love that game, one of my favorites. I dunno, something about building Mechs, even though they're represented by meeples, is a lot of fun. Impressively balanced for an asymmetric design.

I would LOVE for 6 of us to get together to play Twilight Imperium 4 - NOW THAT IS A GAME! Pretty fricken fun, but you need a lot of players for it to get really jacked.

If dungeon crawlers are your thing, I enjoyed Mansions of Madness, but think LOTR is a bit more fun. I've been playing Descent and while it's been fun, I don't know - it's too much like chess ( if you fuck up once, it's over ), not really into that. The Dark Overlord has been kicking our ass, so losing so much is a buzzkill.
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« Reply #115 on: June 14, 2019, 12:11:02 pm »
Yeah that was a big part of the problem with Gloomhaven - too difficult, not enough interest. I like the idea of persistant/legacy games that change as you play, but unfortunately I don't think I have the right group to play them.
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« Reply #116 on: July 04, 2019, 07:15:55 am »
I sometimes browse the games workshop website while taking breaks from other stuff and I noticed they've got some new Slaanesh models. The Keeper of Secrets looks marvellous


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« Reply #117 on: July 05, 2019, 11:35:21 am »
I sometimes browse the games workshop website while taking breaks from other stuff and I noticed they've got some new Slaanesh models. The Keeper of Secrets looks marvellous

Yeah, it is a nice kit, I'd have gotten one, but the price and the fact that I don't have time to build it/paint it/use it in the game has held me back.
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« Reply #118 on: July 30, 2019, 08:21:56 pm »
If you preorder the rerelease of the Dune board game, you get free shipping and some game markers.

(Yeah, it says at the show, but you can preorder online and get the markers too.)
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« Reply #119 on: July 30, 2019, 11:39:05 pm »
If you preorder the rerelease of the Dune board game, you get free shipping and some game markers.

(Yeah, it says at the show, but you can preorder online and get the markers too.)

If this is a reprint of the Avalon Hill original - man, this is one fun game. Thanks for the heads up :) ... will any pre-order online from any online shop get them or from a specific site?
« Last Edit: July 30, 2019, 11:42:39 pm by TaoHorror »
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