Look, Curethan - I'm sure I speak for everyone on this forum without exception - we all want diverse views. Nobody has kicked me out yet and if there were a poll, my posts would probably win the award for the most inane posts ( I once posted I thought PON was a romance novel with its central thesis being love - I still think that idea has legs
Would love for you to stay, want everyone to stay. If your point is you don't want to ruffle feathers - well, its plausibly impossible for anyone to accomplish that via text/email/blog posts since conversational written word alone fails to denote emotion, humor and friendly sarcasm. Not to insult you, but I found nothing of what you posted to be immature, incorrect, insulting, in bad taste or form, etc. It could be worse, you could be ignored -
most of my posts go unanswered or maybe if I'm lucky I get 1 response. Doesn't phase me a bit, there's bound to be a stupid redneck to come along and like the books FOR the sexual depravity and violence and not in spite of it
. I finished the 3rd book thinking the Inchoroi and the Non-men were the same "people", only to come here and find out they're not and one of them were aliens ( in my defense, Inchoroi and Ishroi are very similar "alien" terminology among the mass bombardment of hard to pronounce language ). Everything is described as art, so I took burning ark from the skies as some magical evil vehicle raising hell on it's way in ... not a spaceship ( in a fantasy novel ) crashing into the planet. The apparently very patient souls on this forum set me straight and I've grown to love this work all the more because of it.
Maybe I'm simply not a sensitive person, maybe completely misunderstand your position, but you've posted 700+ times over the years and it would be a waste to dismiss that and we would be lessor without you.
Edit: and besides, you have a cool name and picture