Earwan Rules Hack for D&D

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Cynical Cat

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« on: August 24, 2017, 05:19:09 am »
A worm crawled into my ear and wouldn't go away so here it is:  a relatively quick and dirty reskinning of D&D to fit into Earwa.  Comments and so forth are more than welcome.  Steal as much or as little as you wish to.  Why D&D?  It's not a great fit, but the mod is relatively easy to do and as I said, it won't go away. 
First things first.  It has to be Fifth edition because the bounded armor class and attack bonus system is the only one where having mostly mundane armour and weapons can actually work and hordes of low level monsters don't have to roll natural 20s to hit a mid or high level hero.  Also, a few other details work out better.  I'll get to them in time.

Races:  Humans, of course.  I'll cook up a take on Nonmen an when I can.   Nonmen is going to be hard to do without being wildly unbalanced although sufficiently nasty Erratic penalties can offset that. .  Dunyain are even more broken than Nonmen.  Half Dunyain or a defective is still damn strong, but might be manageable.  They make much better NPCs and they make Nonmen look common.
Barbarian:  Obviously in.
Super Berserker type:  Holca.  The super berserk badassery works better as a Barbarian path than as a racial trait.  As for their brute power, I don't think that needs to be addressed other than "Holca NPCs tend to have lots of Barbarian levels and good Strength and Con."  Sure they're huge and powerful, but so is Cnaiur and so is Yalgrotta Sranchammer. 
General Badass:  Thunyeri.  Should incorporate the tidbit about Thunyeri bolstering their defences by keeping their enemies off balance with fierce strikes. 
Horse Warrior:  Scylvendi goodness.  Or badness, depending.

Bard:  Nope.  I know, Bardic Priests, but they're non magic using priests, no spellslinging rogues.
Cleric:  Nope.  Yes there are miracle workers and Shamans, but they are so rare they make the Few look common .  Shamans are holy sorcerers and miracle workers are vehicles for DM action.  So no, not as a class that can be taken.
Druids:  See cleric.
Fighter:  Hell yes.
Monk:  Nope.  Yes, I know the Dunyain are monks but they aren't D&D monks with magic ki powers and kung fu more badass than broadswords. 
Paladin:  Nope. 
Ranger:  Use the nonmagic Ranger variant(s) that you like.  There's a small army of them out there. 
Rogue:  Yes.
Sorcerer:   Baseline class for users of the Psukhe.  Some Surgery
Warlock:  No.  After all, damnation is nothing special in this universe.  Why give out powers for that?  You fall as fodder anyway.
Wizard:  Baseline class for Schoolmen.  Some Surgery.
Arcane Traditions: the specializations that exist already can work, but to have some that reflect the world of Earwa and the distinctive nature of its sorcery would be a shame.  So:
Anagogic War Cant Master:  the Evocation Specialist.   
Mandati:  This is tricky, because you want the Gnosis to be distinctive and powerful, but you don't want it to wreck all balance.  So instead of the standard type of arcane specialist we have instead the following: 
-Relive the Apocalypse:  Upon every long rest must make a DC 8 Con save or recover one less hit die and be at -1 penalty to all dice rolls until the next long rest due to disturbed dreams.
-The Gnosis:  All spells, where applicable, count as being cast with a spell slot one level higher than actually used.
Iswazi: This is going to be tricky.  It's generally stronger than other anagogic sorcery but less flexible.  D&D rules doesn't deal with this particular issue well because it doesn't really have group spellcasting and its baseline sorcery is fairly inflexible.  I'll see if I can cook up more than "has to use material components"

Sorcerer:  Puskhe user.  There's been a few blind miracle workers before the Cisharaum so it can work for a non Fanim group.
Changes:  Spell list is massacred.  A lot of transformation spells are out, as are teleporting type spells, a lot of necromancy, and summoning.    Spells are reskinned from D&D standard to  have visual effects more closely match Earwa's magic. The sorcerer is vulnerable to Chorae and is blind, but can perceive the onta and see the Mark without difficulty as well as see through the eyes of a bonded animal.  This is limited, giving the sorcerer the ability to see but making all vision based perception checks at Disadvantage if they don't involve magic.
On the plus side, no need for components at all, no Mark, and the Psukharim's spells are indistinguishable from the world and thus not detectable as magic.   The Sorcerer has double the usual number of spell slots so the character more closely matches the ability to throw around a lot of magic evidenced by Earwa's spellcasters and to compensate them for the diminished variety of spells and the existence of Chorae.

Wizard:  Similar to sorcerers.  Demon summoning is allowed and the "too complicated" barrier on Psukhe doesn't exist.  The difference between Gnostic and Anagogic magic is going to have to be mostly simulated by throwing levels at NPC Gnostic Schoolmen.  PC Gnostic magicians will be less advanced in their mastery than equivalent level Anagogic PCs.  Yes, less than ideal.   Cooking up an Arcane Tradition for Anagogic and Gnostic practitioners, the Gnostic one focusing on brute spellpower and the Anagogic one probably focusing on the Daimos (which is, after all, actually capable of threatening a Gnostic Schoolman in the source material) will probably help but I'll actually have to look at 5th ed material to do it right so it will come later.
Also can see onta and the Mark, are Marked, and also vulnerable to chorae.  Also suffer from ravaged spell lists and gain double the number of spell slots.  Spells are reskinned so Fireball is Falling Suns or the Dragonhead, Lightning bolt is Nibelitic Lightning, etcetera depending on tradtion.

No Plate Armor as standard, available armor.  Mail is common and mail reinforced by steel splints (aka splint mail) also shows up. 
Nimil Plate does exist.  Good luck finding it in your size.

Nimil:  Armor is half weight, counts as one category lighter.  +1 bonus to AC.  Weapons +1 to hit and damage. 

Grants total immunity to the direct effects of magic.  Attachable to missiles or useable as a melee attack.  Both suffer a -1 penalty to hit.  Totaly destroy wards on a hit or missing by one point, ignore magical protective effects.  Any magic user hit suffers +2 hp of damage per spellcaster level.  Yeah, not instant death on hit or save or die.  D&D hit points are abstract and losing hp can mean a near miss that uses up the last bit of the Whore's favor before your skin is punctured.  Ditto with Chorae hits.
Scourging the Earth:  Any magical attack that can potentially cause serious damage to a Trinket bearer with secondary effects counts as Scourging the Earth.  Burning horses, blasting the earth and sending stones flying, splinters of wood and stone all count.  Chorae bearers suffer 1/2 damage from such spells (again, damage is abstract in D&D and they are protected from the primary effects) and gain a +1 to any relevant saving throws.

Billows:  Can be animated with Unseen Servant (or equivalent).  Only deployable in the air.  Grants a +2 bonus to AC against ranged attacks.

Wire Screens:  Limits Dex to max +2.  Weight:  10lbs.  +2 AC versus ranged attacks. 
« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 12:27:40 pm by Cynical Cat »

Cynical Cat

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« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2017, 06:19:40 am »
Vicious Adolescent
Armor Class  11 (+1 Dex)
Hitpoints 6 (1d8+1)
Speed 40ft
8        12       12         6        8        6
Crude Cleaver:  +1 to hit, 1d4 damage
Crude Javelin:  +3 to hit, 1d4 damage range 30ft

Tribal Warrior
Armor Class  14 (+1 Dex, Leather and Shield)
Hitpoints 11 (2d8+2)
Speed 40ft
10       12       12         6        8        6
Crude Heavy Cleaver or War Club:  +3 to hit, 1d6 damage
Crude Javelin:  +3 to hit, 1d4 damage range 30ft

Armor Class  17 (scale armour and shield)
Hitpoints 16 (3d8+3)
Speed 40ft
13        12       12        6       10        6
Sword:  +4 to hit, 1d8+1 damage
Javelin:  +4to hit, 1d6+1 damage range 30ft

Armor Class  15 (+2 Dex, Leather and Shield)
Hitpoints 26 (4d8+8)
Speed 40ft
14        14       14         6        8        6
2 Hand Axes:  2 attacks +4 to hit, 1d6+2 damage
Javelins:  +4 to hit, 1d6+2 damage range 30ft

Some Sranc done up as a single horde type creature for easier management

Mob of Starving Skinnies
Armor Class  11 (+1 Dex)
Hitpoints 220 (40d8+40)
Speed 40ft
8        12       12         6        8        6
Crude Cleaver: 2 attacks at everyone within 5ft of the Mob  +2 to hit, 2d4 damage
Shower of Crude Javelins: 2 attacks,  +3 to hit, 2d4 damage range 30ft
Loses 1/2 its attacks when it drops below 100 hp
Takes double damage from area of effect attacks. triple if more than half the mob is in the area of effect

Band of Sranc Warriors
Armor Class  14 (Leather Armor and Shield, Mob penalty)
Hitpoints 275 (50d8+50)
Speed 40ft
10        12       12         6        8        6
Crude Cleaver: 2 attacks at everyone within 5ft of the Mob  +3 to hit, 2d6 damage
Shower of Crude Javelins: 2 attacks,  +3 to hit, 2d4 damage range 30ft
Loses 1/2 its attacks when it drops below 120 hp
Takes double damage from area of effect attacks. triple if more than half the mob is in the area of effect
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 03:43:51 am by Cynical Cat »


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« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2017, 01:18:53 pm »
Awesome. There's been some movement across a few threads along this particular theme. A building of momentum. Lets make something out of it ;) .
One of the other conditions of possibility.

Cynical Cat

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« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2017, 11:09:11 am »

Adolescent Hunter
Armor Class  12 (Hide)
Hitpoints 45 (6d10+12)
Speed 40ft
18        10    14      6       8        6
Multi attack: two hammer attacks
Hammer:  reach 10 feet  +6 to hit, 2d8+4 damage
Javelin:  +4 to hit, 2d6+4 damage range 30ft

Tribal Ravager
Armor Class  14 (Hide and Shield)
Hitpoints 76 (8d12+24)
Speed 40ft
21       10     16     6       8        6
Multiattack:  2 Hammer attacks
Hammer:  10 foot reach, +7 to hit, 3d8+5 damage
Javelin:    +5  to hit, 2d6+5 damage range 30ft

Consult Warrior
Armor Class  16 (Scale armor and shield)
Hitpoints 95 (10d12+30)
Speed 40ft
23       10     16      6      8        6
Multiattack:  2 Hammer attacks
Hammer:   10 foot reach, +8 to hit 3d8+6 damage

Foul Chieftain
Armor Class  18 (Chain mail and shield)
Hitpoints 126 (12d12+48)
Speed 40ft
25       12     18     6       8        6
Multiattack: 2 Hammer attacks
Hammer:  10 foot reach, +9 to hit, 3d8+7 damage
Javelin:  +4to hit, 1d6+1 damage range 30ft


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« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2017, 06:24:31 am »
Great stuff :) hoping to run a game this month or next - might try to record it

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Cynical Cat

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« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2017, 05:27:57 am »
Nonmen-most should be done up as individual NPCs, but we do see groups of nameless Erratics at a few points.

Ruined Wretch
Armor Class  11
Hitpoints 26 (4d8+8)
Speed 30ft
14       12    14      8       8        6
Grapple:  +5, 5 foot reach, DC 15 to escape, 3hp damage
Improvised Weapon attack:  +4, 5 foot reach 1d4+2 damage
Erratic:  At disadvantage to any save versus confusion or misdirection effects.

Consult Enforcer
Armor Class  19 (Nimil)
Hitpoints 75 (10d8+30)
Speed 30ft
18      14     16     12      8       12
Multi attack: two sword attacks
Nimil Sword:  reach 5 feet  +10 to hit, d8+5 damage
Warrior Steeped in Violence:  Any attack that hits by 5 or more is a critical, triple damage criticals
Erratic:  At disadvantage to any saves to resist confusion or misdirection.  If the Erratic has a Book, the Book will allow him a reroll for a failed confusion save (still at disadvantage).

Deranged Quya
Armor Class  15 (Nimil Chain shirt)
Hitpoints 79 (12d8+24)
Speed 30ft
14       12    14      20     12       12
Quya: Casts spells as a 14th level wizard, all spells count as if being cast using a spellslot one level higher
Nimil Sword:  reach 5 feet  +7to hit, d8+3 damage
Erratic:  At disadvantage to any saves to resist confusion or misdirection.  If the Erratic has a Book, the Book will allow him a reroll for a failed confusion save (still at disadvantage).

Unbalanced Warrior of the Tall
Armor Class  22 (Nimil Plate and Shield)
Hitpoints 165 (16d10+80)
Speed 30ft
24       12    20      12      8       12
Multi attack: two sword attacks
Nimil Sword:  reach 10 feet  +12to hit, 4d6+8 damage
Warrior Steeped in Violence:  Any attack that hits by 5 or more is a critical, triple damage criticals
Erratic:  At disadvantage to any saves to resist provocations to violence.

Knee that Bends

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« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2017, 07:37:57 pm »
This is super sick. Have to try it sometime!
"And I renounce..." He trailed, warred with errant pas­sions. "I renounce my wife."
His eyes fell upon Esmenet, stricken upon the floor. My wife!
"Noooo," she wept and whispered. "Pleaaase, Akka..."
"As an adulteress," he continued, his voice cracking, "and a... a..."
His face a mask of nimil, he turned without leave, began walking back the way he came. The Men of the Tusk stared at him dumbstruck

Cynical Cat

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« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2017, 08:42:34 am »

Soulless Tool
Armor Class  13 without armor
Hitpoints 52 (8d8+16)
Speed 40ft
16       16    14      8      10      14

+3 Proficiency bonus on all attempts at deception.  Can assume the form of any humanoid of similar size and skin colour.  Dunyain can penetrate this disguise as will appropriate physical examination.  Their mental limitations may also reveal their true nature as they are incapable of deep and complex thought and dominated by their instincts.

Multiattack: two attacks
Unarmed:  hand strike +6 to hit, 5 foot reach, 1d4+3

Profane Packmaster
Armor Class  14 without armor
Hitpoints 75 (10d8+30)
Speed 40ft
18      18     16      8      12      14

+4 Proficiency bonus on all attempts at deception.  Can assume the form of any humanoid of similar size and skin colour.  Dunyain can penetrate this disguise as will appropriate physical examination.  Their mental limitations may also reveal their true nature as they are incapable of deep and complex thought and dominated by their instincts.

Multiattack: two attacks
Unarmed:  hand strike +8 to hit, 5 foot reach, 1d4+4


Denizen of the Pit
Large Outsider
Armor Class  17 (armoured hide and dex)
Hitpoints 85 (10d10+30)
Speed 30ft, 50 ft flying
20      12     16     14      14       12
Multi attack: 2 clawed fist attacks as a single attack
Clawed fist:  +8 to hit, 1d8+5 damage, piercing or bashing which is more favorable, hell yes it's magical

Drawn from Hell:  As a creature of the Outside, it takes half damage from mundane weapons

Bound by Sorcery:  As the Ciphrang is tied to the mortal world by sorcery, it is as vulnerable to Chorae as sorcerers are (unless you are unfortunate enough to encounter one in the Outside or a topos).  Their hellish powers do not count as sorcery.

A Ciphrang will possess several (or all if it is fearsome enough) terrible powers.  Greater Ciphrang may possess more potent versions of these abilities.  The Ciphrang has a limited number of uses of these powers, but especially in the case of greater Ciphrang the number may be more than large enough to slaughter a larger number of heroes. A partial list is as follows.

Infernal Aura:  All beings within 10 feet take 2d6 points of fire damage every round.

Soul Rip:  Counts as a 4th level spell for ward purposes.  30 foot range. DC 14 Wisdom Save to negate.  Inflicts 8d8 psychic damage.

Ravening Wolves.  Affects two targets within 60 feet.  Counts as a 3rd level spell for ward purposes.  What appears to be streams of voracious wolves fly at the targets and savage them.  DC 13 Dex save for half damage.  6d6 Force damage.

Cloud of Flies:  100 foot range.  10 foot by 10 foot cloud.  Counts as a 3rd level spell for ward purposes.  DC 12 Constitution save for half damage.  Inflicts 6d6 Necrotic damage.


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« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2017, 11:56:03 am »
Great stuff :) hoping to run a game this month or next - might try to record it

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Please do.
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« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2018, 03:20:02 am »
Cat! Nico! How has this played out? Impressive stuff here, Cat - I want to play too! Not sure how advance the capabilities for playing D&D online with each other, but let me know how this played out.
It's me, Dave, open up, I've got the stuff


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« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2018, 11:54:36 am »
They can speak for themselves if they are around but I'll just say afaik, no game was ran. But roll20 is an acceptable place for online d&d  if you ask me.

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« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2018, 06:09:24 am »
I’ve been practicing with normal D&D before doing this one - got most of the spells written up now

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« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2018, 02:05:53 pm »
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