Zaudunyannicon wasn't a failure, it was just something for fun and if you had that then it was a success
However, the "come next year" logic is flawed. As not everyone is a millionaire who lives in the house next to Bakker and have infinite free time.
While I do enjoy being a strikingly handsome individual who's job is simply to watch my money make little money babies, I hope you know that the 'next year' thing is a mostly a joke (as was the first half of this sentence). It took plenty of efforts to plan and a bit of money to boot, not to mention basically forcing Bakker to show up. In the last 5 years Bakker has been to a total of 2 places for TSA, including Zaudunyanicon, and both were no farther than an afternoon drive form his house.
Hopefully we're able to get him to come out more often, but I'm (we're) nobody, and I think people somehow forget that. We couldn't even afford to pay him for his time. And just like our poorly produced podcasts, I do sincerely hope people get tired of us and decide to make something great. There are fans, I'm sure, that are professional event planers, professional podcasters or youtubers, etc. Unfortunately for you all, you're stuck with me and Madness until you get up and do it yourself. A line cook and a consultant that do this for fun in whatever few hours of free time we have between jobs.
I'm not at all bothered by people wanting more, or disparaging me even, because again I agree that the stuff we do here is a joke. I'm seriously just here to have fun, and I do. But I'm pretty much a selfish jackass. This is what you get with a guy like me (laughably) in charge of this circus.
If we want to spend a bunch of time talking about how much I suck, lets do it, but realize that we already lost the Q/A thread for people attacking Bakker until he left.
Or perhaps the community will choose to suggest we talk about Zaudunyanicon instead, I'll leave it up to you guys (as, again, I did in the Q/A).