I worry for Bakker's future publications .
Me too. What about the critics' reviews?
Yeah that doesn't worry me. Plenty of people here and elsewhere will be pissed off, but that's no different then every book so far. I'd rather that, than Bakker changing the story to pander to the lowest common denominator. He's the best writer I have ever read, but the story is (purposefully) difficult. If its ever a commercial success, it wont be any time soon - but that's probably a discussion for another time.
I worry for Bakker's future publications .
Me too. What about the critics' reviews?
Its cute, what you're doing here. Seeding buzz words so that maybe that's what will drive hits in google searches. Please, go on your crusade, I hope you feel it makes things better for you.
But take this as friendly warning. You are responsible for your actions here. Dissent as you will, but do not be purposefully inflammatory. Yes, that includes needlessly seeding comments for google hits.
Also, did i miss anything re: the Nail of Heaven or is that left untouched also?
There's a
History of Earwa done by Wert in collaboration with Bakker does mention it briefly. But yes, you are correct that its largely left untouched - little more than a star in the sky.
... And that's, ultimately, the point.
This is an interesting subject for me. I'm not sure I'm clear on exactly Bakker was/is driving at with TSA, but I do think that this touches on something of the theme - how easy it is for our heuristic minds to be manipulated and how difficult it is to see and to change once we've adopted that manipulation as our own. Definitely curious that Bakker has said he had to re-write much of PoN because beta readers were so sympathetic towards Kellhus. I feel Proyas is largely filling this role again in TAE, Kellhus telling us fairly directly he's an evil jackass - yet its impossible for many to even entertain the notion as
possible let alone plausible.
In that regard, I believe Bakker may have been done his job too well. He created something that was so grievously offensive to people so as to blind them entirely of the greater ideas held within. Perhaps TSTSNBN will provide some sunglasses