Uh, not that i recall, but I've got a poor memory. Even if he did Bakker's post-text words are confusing at best, especially in this past year, so its easy to misinterpret even a handful of words.
I should probably make a whole thread on contextualizing Bakker's comments. In short, I suspect his comments are akin to Akka's dreams. Not only what he says should be taken into account, but also the when he made the comment (what was happening publication wise, personal life, etc.), and perhaps most importantly where they happened at (here, reddit, interview, etc.). All these things, and more, influence what they might mean.
But I really wasn't recalling, one way or the other, Bakker's comments. Just pointing out what I see as a major story trope.
I don't think its up for debate that Kellhus was influence by some darkness he didn't know about. It seems pretty clear to me that this darkness was Ajokli, since I don't see any other entity as making sense from a plot/story/worldbuilding standpoint. Other arguments can be made of course, I just personally don't find them compelling.