I've never read a sentence of hope in anything he's written, fiction or non-fiction. Granted, TPB is decidedly indecipherable, but what I do read (or the interviews he does), always seems firmly pessimistic regarding the future of humanity.
But if there's optimism in there somewhere, do point it out .
I think it's important to separate his pessimism regarding humanity's capacity for change in ways that will make our fate possibly less horrifying and pessimism regarding our fate generally.
I mean, he is pessimistic about both but almost everything I've ever read by him - especially TPB - suggests "cautionary tale" rather than "prophetic fate." As I mentioned preceding this comment, pages ago now, he spends his time in attempt to convince us not to dive headlong into "crash space/whichevery."
My flow has been interrupted as I've been informed that my precious, precious handful of hours alone are quickly due for interruption and articulation is failing (headbang).
BTW, if TSA is a story about the redemption of mankind, I'll be holding the book burning at my house.
I'll join in on any burning of Bakker's books. Nothing sells books like their being burned.
The very human struggle to do, and to strive.
Glimmers of hope, despite all the hardship.
Its not courage if know you'll succeed.
TL;DR I'm a sucker and just like Bakker's writing. Earwa is cool too - I want more stories.
Regarding the middle quote, I believe Bakker even has a similar epigraph.
In fact, prior to TUC, not one person would have expected TSTSNBN to be a trilogy of tales of different characters e experiencing the end their world. Not one.
I'll disagree with this
TAE gave us Sorweel, Psatma, Malowebi, Meppa, Mimara, hell, the half-Dunyain children? I certainly didn't expect any of these characters.
Of course, TNG will have new characters/POVs. The fact that anyone would think that TNG would focus on just our established principles from PON seems very strange to me.
Plot-wise, I'm ambivalent about the fate of the characters, humanity, Earwa, Outside, etc. I would like to see Bakker taking his lines of thought further. So far, with "The Aspect-Emperor" as compared to "The Prince of Nothing", he delivered big-time. So I can't say I'm worried.
I don't think we'll get much if anything from Momemn, remember it was hit by Momas. Not much left there.
Momemn is only the capital of the Kellian Empire. In the opening chapters of TUC, Esmenet even mentions gathering all the remaining Columns to Sumna. I don't see the New Empire as being defeated by a long-shot, especially given that all the Orthodox will have a hard to arguing that the Aspect-Emperor spoke false, what with the Boding across the horizon.
That's why, for the sake of sales,
Lol, going to have to stop you right there. Bakker will die penniless before he does something for sales.
In short, my friends - it's going to be fun no matter what he cooks up and he's wise to avoid this forum so as to disallow us from fucking him up.
Classic self-deprecating Bakker. I honestly don't think we can out-think him.
Lol, going to have to stop you right there. Bakker will die penniless before he does something for sales.
Yet, his whole deal about writi g more hinges on sales. At some point he has to understand he needs some commercial viability. If not, we'll be a much community talking about this when we're walking around with a walking stick. Dozens of us. He needs to learn to make concessions.
You know, I'm not totally convinced he isn't ready to embrace obscurity entirely.
I aim to understand, not convince, generally, and learn something myself. All of things things has been accomplished - therefore, great success.
To bring this back around to the original topic, if I simply gain some insight as to what the hell happened in the GR, I would be satisfied.
Lol, oh no, good sir, we are far from the original topic right now. In fact, I'm sure this conversation is why MSJ made his thread in TNG subforum.
You're making the mistake of reading our 21st century morality concerning slavery onto a world with a different morality entirely. You're making a judgement on Eärwan society based on our morality.
I think you have to unpack these assertions, BFK.
Furthermore, I'm pretty sure the point of System Resumption is to kill a lot of people. That will indeed cause social upheaval. You're making it sound like the Consult will be issuing an Emancipation Proclamation and Medicare For All.
Hmm... Lol, you never know. The Mutilated do have many new skin-spies and basically no one remains who can recognize them effectively (though, the Kellian Empire had distill cultural behaviours to combat disappearances and replacements). They've probably infiltrated Zeum since at least TJE - if that really was the *first* Sayothi Skin-Spy - and will find infiltrating the Three Seas much easier again in the absence of the Anasurimbor.
It'll be remarkably easy for them to spin new stories about the Consult or No-God or sabotage the resistance efforts of any given remaining human population (Sakarpus, Ordeal, Three Seas, Zeum). Though, I'm personally waiting for a load of Skin-Spies to be unleashed in combat. Fucking Cartilage-Quatropi.
On your first statement, profgrape and others have brought up that it seems the No-God's purpose is less about extermination specifically and more about "reading the code of souls" or whatever. I understand less than others seem to but there might to be something to it.