That was alright. I laughed at Olena talking about Widow's Wail.
Wish i could have read about Jon and Dany meeting instead of watching it on some HBO adaption but there you go.
I feel reasonably certain that Jon and dany will not be meeting until after dany subdued the sothron kingdoms. The show bringing them together, and bringing dany together with all the other power players she met with was a time compression mechanism to allow them to advance multiple storylines at once (by having people together) rather than going the A-B-C-D The books will assuredly take. So the show launches the southern invasion together simultaneously with protracted negotiations with the north, Martin will almost assuredly take half a book to get dany to dragon stone and declare herself, half a book to negotiate with dorne, half a book to launch an invasion of casterly rock and lose high garden, half a book to lose all naval power, all without getting to the Lannister field of fire nor even opening cordial lines of communication between dany and the north.
All of this after Martin spends a book and a half on the irrelevant blackfyre side plot with (f)Aegon.
Right now, I figure these first four episodes have adapted about two books of major plot developments, which is why there is so much teleportation travel going on, because they have to wrap things up within a specific storytelling constraint, and if teleporting travel is necessary to move through the story, I'll take it. As I recall, aragorns army teleported to the gates of morder as return of the king the film was drawing near the end, and this was a fine adaptation solution.