You think Mimara's kid and the Crab-Hand will be adults in the next series, or not so much?
I keep going back and forth on that, to be honest. Maybe it would work with "Akka Jr.", the youngest of them, as a teenager (we had some POVs in this age range in TAE, after all), maybe not...
We don't know how old the Boy/Crab-Hand is, but probably around Kelmomas' age, as it has been said. He wouldn't need a 20-year timeskip to be an adult in the next series.
"Akka Jr." being just born at the end of TUC
would necessitate a longer timeskip, but on the other hand, a 20+ year-long one would mean Akka would have likely died in the meantime (he was 47 in PON, so would be in his late 60s during TUC), so it depends if Bakker wants to keep him around (as a Seswatha-type figure) or only in flashbacks/memories. Esmenet is younger (31 in PON, so it's unlikely she'd have died of old age after a 20-year gap, she'd be in her 70s).
That's my biggest conflict with a time jump. Most of the main characters are old. Isn't akka like 70? I think Cnaiur was >70, Kellhus was in his 50's or 60's, so is esmenet. Skip forward just another 10 years and those guys, especially Akka, will be a bit to old to be slogging through the world (already felt that with Akka in WLW).
On the other hand, Crabicus, Akka Jr., Kelmomas, Moe Jr, even Mimara, are young enough that a solid 20 year jump would make for an interesting band of new characters. Without the jump, especially the first few I mentioned, those players are pretty young and don't seem to fit well into the story.
Exactly, Akka is 47 and Cnaïur 45 in PON if I remember correctly, and if those ages were given for the beginning of that series (4109), that would make them 70 and 68 in TUC. I personally think Cnaïur is dead (at least
as Cnaïur, he might come back as a Ciphrang or something), but a 90-year old Akka might not be able to do much (if he's even still alive by then).
Unless the qirri had lifespan-prolonging effects as chanv did, as it was pointed out in the TSA podcast, Iyokus was still active at 120+ years old.
Esmenet isn't as old as Akka or Cnaïur as I said above (31 in PON), so it'd still be believable to have her around after 20 years.
Mimara was born in 4095 as per the TTT glossary (I always thought Bakker made her a bit too old, but that's just my opinion) and would be 57 20 years post-TUC, so it also works for her.
Moënghus was born in (late) 4111, so he'd be in his early 40s. Kelmomas would be 28 (not that it matters much as the No-God). The Boy would be around that same age.
So the main reason you'd need a 20 year time jump (or longer) would be for the newborn "Akka Jr.", a shorter one (15 years? 10?) could work for the others, even the Boy. But like I said above, maybe it would work to have him as a teenager? Sorweel was 16 in this series, Serwa not much older, and they still had important roles to play.