I've been thinking about potential LOTR analogues in the upcoming climactic battle. More than any surprise reinforcements ala Rohirrim at Helm's Deep or Minas Tirith, I think it is the surprise reversal of potential reinforcements. In this capacity I refer to the Corsairs of Umbar arriving at Harlond, the Orcs believing that they have fresh allies and troops, but surprise!—it's Aragorn and co. leading the Gondorian levies from Pelargir, Lebennin and Anfalas etc. etc.
It is the reversal that excites me. I anticipate a similar event when Ishterebinth arrives at Golgotterath. The Consult will wrongly believe that the forces of the Injoy-Niyas are still allies. I imagine that Mekeritrig will see the Quya chariots on the horizon and say something like: "At last, Nin'Ciljiras has roused himself. We will finally eradicate these pesky humans." But as they get closer there will be some visual signifier that they are allied with Humanity and not the Consult. I want it to be the sigil of Nil'giccas or whatever, but as far as we know no such thing exists, so let's say it's the Copper Tree of Siol, the sigil of Cu'jara-Cinmoi, the first great enemy of the Inchoroi. Mekeritrig's elation will slip into horror as he realizes what's actually happening: "The Exalted Stronghold stands with the Ordeal!" He will cry out.
It'll be better written than that, but it's the surprise reversal of known reinforcements which I anticipate.
Also some dragons. And I hope the Consult have legions of Ursranc to fight on more equal footing with the human armies.