To be clear, when I said 'retrieve his little monster' I meant Kelmomas. As far as Kellhus is either aware or unaware of, imo, most of his children are in mortal danger or are already dead. Kayutas is with the GO, likely to fail at Golgotterath. Serwa is in Ishterebinth, likely to die fighting the Nonmen allied with Golgotterath. Thelli is no use to him, really, and is dead anyway. Inrilatas, again no practical use and dead. Samarmas, no use, dead. Kelmomas is, to all outward appearances, the only Anasurimbor child likely to survive current events. Along with saving Esmi (maybe), Kelmomas had to be a reason to return.
While on the subject of Kelmomas, anyone else think this is super weird? TGO ARC, pg. 452
Ruined! Samarmas screamed, assailed him, biting deep into his neck before vanishing into his own shadow palace, the hollow bones of the boy's own thought. Kelmomas scrunched the collar of his tunic – the one he had donned after his altercation with Theliopa – under his jaw and chin to staunch the blood.
He liked to remind him from time to time, his twin.
Remind him what it had been like before.
So... this raises a couple of theories to me. One, Kel (and really all Anasurimbor) suffers from some form of mental illness, some kind of MPD. Maybe he hurt himself, and in his illness called the hurter Samarmas.
Or two, Samarmas is an actual entity within Kel that can manifest and interact with the
'real' world.
Anyone have thoughts on this?