I had to go back and check, you'd think that he beheaded Malowebi after he defeated Meppa (the sword coming down and all). I had assumed the final scene in the chapter was just out of sequence, but when Kellhus finds Esmi (after defeating the Fanim and putting down Meppa like a punk) he still has both decapitants on his belt. So, yeah, I kind of wonder if he is editing time also.
Yeah, something is up with that. There shouldn't be a break between him swinging and Malowebi's head seeing Kellhus replace him, yet, there is...
I don't think he is editing time, because if he was, his power would literally be unlimited. He could have just went back, killed Meppa before Meppa was even Meppa. Or move Esmenet before she even walked into the throne room.
Something is up with the whole "this has already happened" and somehow Kellhus is manipulating that. How? I don't know...
Could be out of order, could be some backwards/forwards time moments within the story. Like, for example, Dagliash this happens several times.
Teleportation makes things happen very fast: Slices off head, teleports to esmi, Kelmomas yells, teleports to Malowebi, replaces head with decapitant.
Malowebi could have spent longer than you might initially think with his soul in oblivion
"This has already happened" comes into play with Survivor as well, and his revelations about Zero-God. Something about all of time existing at once for the God/s but also linearly for those within it. White-Luck's POVs, IMO, show us a kind of mortals perspective of the God/s POV. Everything has happened, yet they still flow from one event to the next. From before to after
My point being that I have sincere doubts there is any timetravel, especially for mortals. Like how a massive object can't go the speed of light, a soul encumbered by a mortal body can't go back in time.
I know there's a lot of disagreement about this on the forum, but I rank MOST Cishaurim below MOST anagogic sorcerers. I think that is something specific about the Psukhe that the Consult fears. That being said, probably Meppa is stronger than most of the (now dead) Cishaurim primaries.
If that ranking is correct, it seems unlikely SS would have been so decimated.
Even if it is correct, its never the 'most' that matter. I get the feeling that the majority of a school's power is in their sorcerers of rank. Who cares about the peons. The Primaries outmatched the SS's most elite.
Its not relevant though, since there aren't any more Cish. Meppa seemed to dispense an enormous amount of power. Something like that I would hope would be stronger than the Analogies grandmasters, and probably many of the Gnosoti.
In the scene where Meppa and Kell are going at it 1v1, Malowebi sees Kell's wards disappear, but they continue to reflect and repel the water as he completes his Cant.
EDIT: Also, bonus question: Why is Malowebi trained to pull an "omba" over his face when fighting Cishaurim specifically or maybe sorcerers generally?
Could be that because Zeum and Kian share a border, they may have had clashes, thus the need to train and have equipment available to deal with the Waterbearers.
Also, this made me think. Is Nilnamesh Fanim? I think I always assumed it was, but then why would they have the Vokalati? Not really important, I don't think, it just made me question a long-held assumption.
Kellhus has Believe-Kings from all nations. Pretty sure there are references to Ninameshi contingents in The Great Ordeal.
Speaking of Meppa, I feel like it's safe to say that neither Moe nor Cnaiur, singularly or as one soul, quantum leaped into another body to form a super Cish.
Thank the Gods we can get past
at least this one part of the meta-moenghus crackpottery.