I want the island to be an English colony/territory. The Spanish owned (if you want to call them calling dibs on a map with almost none of their people, ownership) the western US so California is not suitable for what I want to do. I want it to be English because I want to focus on the island being in effect forgotten because of the Revolutionary War. And part of me wants the freedom to invent a new little nation.
I actually have toyed with the idea of the Spanish trying to conquer the colony while the Brits are busy in the 13 colonies. So yes, lots of tension between the European powers. If I got a third nation/empire involved it would be the Dutch as they were pretty big traders in the orient back in the day, and they were the only nation allowed to trade with the Japanese for like 200 years.
I haven't decided on the type of indigenous population I want on the island, either polynesian islanders or like American indians. I do know that I want a small Japanese colony already established but I haven't thought of a suitable reason for them being there yet. Maybe Christians refugees fleeing after the Shoguns tried to crack down on western influences which were encroaching on Japanese culture? Id love to make them pirates but I dont imagine many pirate ships would take enough women with them. I do know that I want them to have a much smaller presence on the island (compared to the indigenous people) as their colony was only started less than a century before the English arrived and they had no additional influx of immigrants from the homeland.
And revenge. Yes I just think its such an interesting concept to work with. Right now the backstory I am working with is my protagonist (Ill shorten to PRO) is the son of an english sailor and spanish farm girl the sailor met and fell in love with after being shipwrecked near spain. they marry but are unpopular as he is not catholic and for his being English. PRO is born and dad goes back to being a sailor to take care of the family. When PRO is about 10, mother dies and the landlord steals everything the family owns and kicks PRO on the street. When dad gets home he becomes furious and kills the landlords family, minus his son, so he can see what it feels like. He immediately regrets this and is ashamed, but knows that PRO will suffer more if he does the right thing so he resolves to do whatever it takes to keep his son- our PRO- safe. (This will all be revealed slowly in multiple flashbacks throughout the story). So they rush to France (they are in Bilbao, in NW part of Spain so not far from French border) and from France they jump on a ship trying to put this ugly thing behind them. The landlord and his son have not forgotten or forgiven.
The story will take place about 12 years after all that ended with PRO and dad living in the island. PRO is just enjoying young life, when the landlord finally finds them. This is as far as I am right now.
Sorry if my response to questions here isn't in any logical order lol. Im sleepy