The Knife of Many Hands [Spoilers]

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« on: October 02, 2014, 03:15:53 pm »
First I've heard of a new short by Bakker, yet to be published:

Quote from: Post Title
A short-story set in Carythusal on the eve of the Scholastic Wars which Grimdark Magazine is set to publish, likely in two parts, sometime in the near future

Not sure if this is actually going to be considered an Atrocity Tale.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 09:50:43 pm by Madness »
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« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2014, 03:49:47 pm »

i think that's what i called a +5 Vorpral sword i found playing AD&D when i was 12.
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« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2014, 04:02:32 pm »
I like the name:P.

Pretty sure there are at least two people on this forum that have tried, or are trying, to get published there. Something about paying per word.
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« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2014, 03:48:30 am »
I'm pretty hyped about this, but simultaneously bummed that it explicitly says 'the eve'.

...Still hyped, though.  Some bit of morsel for me to enjoy while I wait for the main course.


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« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2014, 02:55:45 pm »
Looks like that magazine is really cheap (and cool)


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« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2014, 09:36:21 pm »
Confirmed: Part 1 is feature story of Issue #2. Cover art is going to be the character from the story by Julian De Lio.

Pretty excited that Bakker's getting back into the game :).
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« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2014, 02:56:52 pm »
Finally, things.
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« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2014, 03:13:53 am »
Huzzah - excerpt!
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« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2015, 07:58:54 pm »
Be sure to be logged in to your "Grimdark Account" when you try and download the story.  If you are logged in, you save $18 shipping.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 09:34:09 pm by Garet Jax »

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« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2015, 09:18:59 pm »
I read it, thought it was decent. It didn't grab me like the False Sun did, but I think that's just because TFS featured what felt like "main characters" (or just important ones to the main series of events), whereas this -- so far -- is just "Tales of Earwa". Not that I have a problem with that, and I suspect there will be a substantial pay-off.

The two-heart stuff is interesting, and it seems we are entering the territory of the Gods seizing people being a more common thing than was perhaps previously realized (obviously it has been speculated on a lot already). Ratakila doesn't strike me as the most interesting character, beyond his berserker-mode thing, but I was very quickly enticed by the Grandmaster character.

I'm trying to imagine a non-TSA reader going into this story. I mean there's a shitload of references all over the place, from the main series itself, to Atrocity Tales, so on and so forth, that must certainly be going way over people's heads. Hell, it felt like some of it went over my head -- I'll definitely do a re-read of the first half when the second comes out, and probably before that even. Ultimately, I can say I'm intrigued and anticipating the second half, but it didn't blow me away or anything.


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« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2015, 10:28:10 pm »
I'm trying to imagine a non-TSA reader going into this story. I mean there's a shitload of references all over the place, from the main series itself, to Atrocity Tales, so on and so forth, that must certainly be going way over people's heads. Hell, it felt like some of it went over my head -- I'll definitely do a re-read of the first half when the second comes out, and probably before that even. Ultimately, I can say I'm intrigued and anticipating the second half, but it didn't blow me away or anything.

Fully agree. There was a lot going on at the start, setting, flashbacks, layered consciousness, etc. etc. For the uninneciating, it would almost be indecipherable.

I'm excited for the second half, and there is a lot in there already that is worth talking about or looking into.
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« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2015, 10:51:13 pm »
Looking at the timeline for 3801 may provide some context for this: , but yeah, I agree with FB, it wasn't a good as the False Sun...

edit: hey, I can post now!


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« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2015, 06:35:29 am »
a couple of things that stuck out to me from the story:

- the physical description of Shinurta seemed decayed in a way similar to Shauriatus description in the TUC ch excerpt.  chanv-consult link?

- the combination of hints about the Scarlett Spires summoning demons and the presence of a character that allegedly becomes possessed by Gilgaol-- is the SS trying to trap Gilgaol?

- the Sranc pits are where men fight men and sranc, no?  if so, perhaps they are breeding extra-violent sranc for the games.  this could lead to other stories where there is a sranc prison break and Carythusal is terrorized

- all the pit, pit, pit stuff and the description of the SS towers as "The famed crimson gleamed black in the light of the Nail, HORNS soaring into the VOID" made me think that Bakker will be doing more parallels between the SS and the Consult.  could Iyokus be capable of deceiving and betraying the Great Ordeal?

- the second hear thing is cool--who was the character of yore who had 2 hearts?  plus this may have something to do with Kellhus ripping out one heart while still being animated by one?  lol, if Seswatha had 2 hearts, he could leave one with the Mandate and then (using super chill longevity spells) hang out in the depths of Ishual and organize the Dunyain experiment from the shadows!  :P

- goddamn i love the construction of the sranc pits with viewers hanging over to see down!

- so when the Hewer is knocked out--is that maybe the same poison used on Nau-Cayuti?  does this imply that NC's wife may have been a witch?  really would like to see her in TUC

- a few favorite bits:
"But the old slaver was already shaking his head. ‘Philosophers,’ he spat. ‘It’s their curse to confuse their skullpan for the sky–bah!"

"hey despise my kind because we fit no hand save our own. Treachery is the very essence of Intellect–they know this the way cattle know wolves. The rapacious Intellect is the treacherous Intellect"


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« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2015, 04:40:04 pm »
a couple of things that stuck out to me from the story:

- the physical description of Shinurta seemed decayed in a way similar to Shauriatus description in the TUC ch excerpt.  chanv-consult link?
Not so sure about that. They are both to old for their bodies and kept alive by something, but I don't see much more there

- the combination of hints about the Scarlett Spires summoning demons and the presence of a character that allegedly becomes possessed by Gilgaol-- is the SS trying to trap Gilgaol?
I couldn't decide if that was just a turn of phrase, or if he was actually being possessed.
The summoning of demons is a fairly recent construct isn't it? Maybe this was around the time where they first started delving into the forbidden art.

- the Sranc pits are where men fight men and sranc, no?  if so, perhaps they are breeding extra-violent sranc for the games.  this could lead to other stories where there is a sranc prison break and Carythusal is terrorized

No need for extra violent sranc :P. Also, it doesn't seem like they breed them, they capture them and ship them in. Hundreds a week.
Still though, better keep those cages in good condition.

- all the pit, pit, pit stuff and the description of the SS towers as "The famed crimson gleamed black in the light of the Nail, HORNS soaring into the VOID" made me think that Bakker will be doing more parallels between the SS and the Consult.  could Iyokus be capable of deceiving and betraying the Great Ordeal?
They are obviously working on a Topos. Given enough time...
Here there certainly seems to be imagery connect to the Consult. I wonder if Shae was at any point in contact with other schoolmen?

- the second hear thing is cool--who was the character of yore who had 2 hearts?  plus this may have something to do with Kellhus ripping out one heart while still being animated by one?  lol, if Seswatha had 2 hearts, he could leave one with the Mandate and then (using super chill longevity spells) hang out in the depths of Ishual and organize the Dunyain experiment from the shadows!  :P
Wasn't it the alleged nonman-man hybrid, that Anasurimbor woman, who had two hearts?
Maybe the original 2 heart guy referred to in the story, (Wiggle? whatever..) was then an Anasurimbor, with the double-heart trait resurfaced, making all his children part of the line. Distant Kellhus cousins :).

- goddamn i love the construction of the sranc pits with viewers hanging over to see down!
Yeah, like a coliseum but with a semi spherical roof.

- so when the Hewer is knocked out--is that maybe the same poison used on Nau-Cayuti?  does this imply that NC's wife may have been a witch?  really would like to see her in TUC

"hey despise my kind because we fit no hand save our own. Treachery is the very essence of Intellect–they know this the way cattle know wolves. The rapacious Intellect is the treacherous Intellect"
Since we also know that War is Intellect, therefore, Treachery is War.... Do they have a god of intellect? Ajokli is treachery, Gilgaol is war...
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« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2015, 07:43:19 pm »
if they do manage to catch Gilgaol temporarily, maybe that is a spark for starting the Scholastic Wars?