New maps of the far north from The Great Ordeal! A few features that strike particularly...
- Dagliash is now bordered by 5 mountains. The western-most, Antareg, perhaps looks like a volcano? The center mountain, Oloreg, looks mysteriously craggy. (Btw, I might try to project 'mysteriously craggy' on Monday to my students and see how they react).
- Gosh, I'm excited to find out what's so appalling about "The Field Appalling!"
- Bakker went to the trouble of drawing Ishterebinth just so. I guess I hadn't thought of it as having a mountainous aspect until now.
- Really curious as to why Bakker stuck the "Spear Fens" in the map. Perhaps that will be notable in case of a retreat later? Zeumi ships flee the north after the Great Ordeal is vanquished carrying a wounded and half-crazed Kellhus. Blown off course, the ship becomes fixed in the Spear Fens and the Surviving Ordeal fight to escape the Swamp Sranc.