TSACast (SA Podcast)

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« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2014, 04:58:43 pm »
Ah, schucks ;).
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« Reply #31 on: May 19, 2014, 11:37:53 am »
Hey guys,

Listened to the full Podcast last night - great stuff! I was making gentle notes while watching. Will put a more detailed response here once I have finished work for the day!

I would also be happy to guest on one - might be interesting to have an English accent on the podcast - I found some of your/my pronunciation discrepancies hilarious - although you 3 seemed to agree on them so probably my own English sounding interpretation.


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« Reply #32 on: May 19, 2014, 01:58:59 pm »
Gentle and/or aggressive notes are appreciated, I look forward to it. Also, since that was your inaugural post, welcome aboard. How did you hear about the TSAcast?

As for pronunciation, I tried to adapt my own interpretations quickly to keep things moving forwards, so I don't even necessarily agree with everything I was even speaking... But there were some words that I held onto my own pronunciations. I often feel like I'm brutalizing the words, where others dance around them and make them sound pretty. I doubt there will be a community concencus any time soon, though there is a thread dedicated to this subject located here: http://www.second-apocalypse.com/index.php?topic=996.0
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« Reply #33 on: May 19, 2014, 04:07:16 pm »
Heard about the Podcast over on the westeros forums. Posted a message to Madness offering to help with any technical/hosting as I work in IT - the hosting server you are using at the moment is not great and I could sort something out for that. I would also be happy to speak on the Podcast - get an English accent on there!

I joined westeros for recs and to post in the Bakker threads after reading all the old Three Seas threads I could find (the White Lord and Mithfanion onces on the Q&A were good.) At the time this site was being revamped I think so only just started coming back on here. Same name for me over on westeros and also roamersandlurkers - SilentRoamer :) I have seen you/Madness/FB and others posting over the last few months and have been following your threads a while before joining in.

Maybe change my name to SilentStalker. Haha

Full Podcast review to follow later today.


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« Reply #34 on: May 19, 2014, 04:25:36 pm »
It was a great first podcast, it was interesting to hear some real discussion about the Second Apocalypse, not just reading about it in the forum.
Cool, to hear the stories which lead you to Bakker's books and such things. And cool to hear the voices of you :D


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« Reply #35 on: May 19, 2014, 08:13:47 pm »
Hey guys,

Listened to the full Podcast last night - great stuff! I was making gentle notes while watching. Will put a more detailed response here once I have finished work for the day!

I would also be happy to guest on one - might be interesting to have an English accent on the podcast - I found some of your/my pronunciation discrepancies hilarious - although you 3 seemed to agree on them so probably my own English sounding interpretation.

Hey SR, glad you found us here. Thanks for the kudos (I look forward to your review :) ). I tried to respond to your PM on Westeros but apparently their server is overloaded at the moment.

By the way, you basically just voluntold yourself for the next TSACast :). I want to schedule the next one as soon as possible - aiming for two and half, three weeks-ish from now.

As for pronunciation, I tried to adapt my own interpretations quickly to keep things moving forwards, so I don't even necessarily agree with everything I was even speaking...

Makes you a brilliant communicator. But I definitely pronounced everything as I pronounce it - I'm not sure anyone noticed but I actually voiced a different phrasing of Psuhke in the Inaugural.

Heard about the Podcast over on the westeros forums. Posted a message to Madness offering to help with any technical/hosting as I work in IT - the hosting server you are using at the moment is not great and I could sort something out for that. I would also be happy to speak on the Podcast - get an English accent on there!


Full Podcast review to follow later today.

+1 - both yay!

It was a great first podcast, it was interesting to hear some real discussion about the Second Apocalypse, not just reading about it in the forum.
Cool, to hear the stories which lead you to Bakker's books and such things. And cool to hear the voices of you :D

Thanks much, Davias.
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« Reply #36 on: May 19, 2014, 11:12:24 pm »
Maybe change my name to SilentStalker. Haha
Protip - you can change your display name without changing your profile name. Go to Profile -> Account Settings. At the top it shows username, and just under that is "Name". You can change this to anything you would like without changing your username. This allows you to pick different names on a whim without going through the account creation process.

Great to have you here SilentStalker, glad our pittance of a podcast allowed at least 1 user to come forth.

As for pronunciation, I tried to adapt my own interpretations quickly to keep things moving forwards, so I don't even necessarily agree with everything I was even speaking...

Makes you a brilliant communicator.

Lying to me via PMs is fine, but I'll not have you be spreading such rumors to the community.
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« Reply #37 on: May 20, 2014, 12:45:18 pm »
Hello all,

Well I enjoyed the Podcast very much. Nice to hear introductions from FB, Wilshire and Madness. Ill make a few comments myself before the review.

I read TDTCB back in 2004 at quite a youngish age (certainly in terms of my reading as I had only read a few dozen fantasy books at this point) I can truthfully say most of the philosophy and general Bakker musings went over my head - I think I skimmed a lot of the material so got an overall feel for it. In 2006 I then read TWP and TTT and my interest in the series was definitely revived. At the time I could find nothing online about Bakker and none of my friends had read Bakker. I loaned him to few friends only to get him back a few weeks later with puzzled looks and complaints about the complexity of the prose.

I completely forgot about the series until last year when I noticed WLW and TJE. Bought both and re-read the whole series. This is not the first time I have re-read a series, but it is the first time a re-read has given me more than an initial read. The layers of revelation were just astounding. Since my second read I feel like a complete Bakker nut and the TSA is one of, if not my favourite series of all time.

So that's how I discovered TSA. So on with my review:

The content was very good and flowed quickly between topics.
No single person took over too much of the time.
Very balanced dialogue with speculations clearly noted.
Good references to material

Although the conversation flowed well the structure was not clear. Personally I would focus on a single topic per podcast - the topics are so intertwined you will end up touching multiple topics but setting a clear agenda will help - especially when people want to go back and listen to previous podcasts.
I thought the Podcast was a little bit too long, I think cutting by a 3rd would be productive. 40 minutes Podcast in total which can be broken down 5 minutes intro, 35 for content and 5 for close down and discussion of next podcast topic - linking the podcasts and informing the next topic will keep people listening.
Although references were used to good effect it would be more efficient to ensure Kindle versions are available as well as any maps necessary. I was laughing when you guys were placing the Ordeals current location and trying to name the mountain! Maybe I can help with this as I have all version in Paperback and also in .mobi
Also be careful when using Spoilers for other novels - Dune is next on my May reading list!

Great to think of Moenghus arc as potentially unfinished. Love that I am not alone or crazy for loving Cnaiur.

So overall I though the content was good - I really enjoyed listening to you guys. I would be happy to be in the next Podcast with you three illustrious gentlemen.

In the meantime let me look into an alternative hosting solution for the Podcasts.

Great to actually see a Bakker community as I primarily joined westeros for the Bakker threads.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 12:49:19 pm by SilentRoamer »


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« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2014, 02:35:30 pm »
Well i guess you found your place, then, SilentRoamer. This is TSA paradise, so to speak. A really open and very well read/educated bunch of people here (and i hope it does not sound pompous or arrogant... ;D ).

Backt to topic - I had to listen to it...at least for a bit. Unfortunately i had not the time to listen to it all but i was able to listen to 13 minutes or around that.

Two things that i just have to note:

- OMG, you're all real TSA newbs ;D (your stories how you came to the series were interesting and for me, a bit surprising, given how well versed in TSA you are now)

- I'm sorry FB, but you sound like the clichée american ;D Hope you don't take offense...but i as a foreign language dude if i had to point someone to how i imagine an american sounds, you would be totally it ;)

Anyway...just some nonsensical rambling on my part. Cool that you guys are pushing to add to the TSA material out there in the world wide web.

Btw i kind of agree with SR here, an hour (or even longer) is quite a hurdle to take. IMO it is beyond the "oh what the heck, let us just listen to one of those and see what it is...."-impulse. This is important if you want to lure in some new fans and faces (no pun intended ;) ). I guess us hardcore addicted you already have. So consider to continue with some shorter episodes.
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« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2014, 03:44:06 pm »
Lying to me via PMs is fine, but I'll not have you be spreading such rumors to the community.


Hello all,

Well I enjoyed the Podcast very much. Nice to hear introductions from FB, Wilshire and Madness. Ill make a few comments myself before the review.


So that's how I discovered TSA.

Cheers, SR. Again, welcome to the Second Apocalypse.

So on with my review:

The content was very good and flowed quickly between topics.
No single person took over too much of the time.
Very balanced dialogue with speculations clearly noted.
Good references to material

Thanks. I feel like FB really carried us and I know for my part it was really easy to prompt some of the more interesting comparisons (Gnosticism/Earwa or Dune/TSA) based on our previous interactions together on the forum (which makes another reason "by members, for members" is so enticing.

Although the conversation flowed well the structure was not clear. Personally I would focus on a single topic per podcast - the topics are so intertwined you will end up touching multiple topics but setting a clear agenda will help - especially when people want to go back and listen to previous podcasts.
I thought the Podcast was a little bit too long, I think cutting by a 3rd would be productive. 40 minutes Podcast in total which can be broken down 5 minutes intro, 35 for content and 5 for close down and discussion of next podcast topic - linking the podcasts and informing the next topic will keep people listening.
Although references were used to good effect it would be more efficient to ensure Kindle versions are available as well as any maps necessary. I was laughing when you guys were placing the Ordeals current location and trying to name the mountain! Maybe I can help with this as I have all version in Paperback and also in .mobi
Also be careful when using Spoilers for other novels - Dune is next on my May reading list!


- Agreed on the more concise topic/theme itinerary. I think I've already voiced my thoughts on this above.
- Same goes for the time length. I believe Wilshire or I suggested 45min?
- The community can give us structure and decide what is best :). We're knee-deep in process right now. We all have the potential to shape this future.
- I mentioned up thread, and obviously I consider it a point of some pride, but when I partake again I will not do so without my books nearby. I don't need no stiinkeeen kindle to leverage my Erratic memories :P.

Great to think of Moenghus arc as potentially unfinished. Love that I am not alone or crazy for loving Cnaiur.

So overall I though the content was good - I really enjoyed listening to you guys. I would be happy to be in the next Podcast with you three illustrious gentlemen.

In the meantime let me look into an alternative hosting solution for the Podcasts.

Great to actually see a Bakker community as I primarily joined westeros for the Bakker threads.

Once again, yay, SR! I'm going to copy and paste your PM and reply to it on our system here (I mean via PM, not in-thread).

I think, SR, you, Wilshire, and FB (and probably me as a hovering moderator or something) should start planning a date.


Sorry, Kellais, Wilshire just reminded me I missed your portion.

Two things that i just have to note:

- OMG, you're all real TSA newbs ;D (your stories how you came to the series were interesting and for me, a bit surprising, given how well versed in TSA you are now)

Lol - we cannot all claim your long-storied history, Kellais ;).

- I'm sorry FB, but you sound like the clichée american ;D Hope you don't take offense...but i as a foreign language dude if i had to point someone to how i imagine an american sounds, you would be totally it ;)


Anyway...just some nonsensical rambling on my part. Cool that you guys are pushing to add to the TSA material out there in the world wide web.

Btw i kind of agree with SR here, an hour (or even longer) is quite a hurdle to take. IMO it is beyond the "oh what the heck, let us just listen to one of those and see what it is...."-impulse. This is important if you want to lure in some new fans and faces (no pun intended ;) ). I guess us hardcore addicted you already have. So consider to continue with some shorter episodes.

45min seems better, yes?
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 03:50:57 pm by Madness »
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« Reply #40 on: May 20, 2014, 09:05:56 pm »
Sorry Feanara, I missed your post earlier.

Enjoyed it as well.

Between Madness and Wilshire I couldn't tell who's who though. Both have similar voices to the point where I'm starting to think I'm not the only one who has a bunch of alts on this forum.  :P
If you listen real close you can hear slight accents. Madness has a couple classic Canadian pronunciations, and at least I can tell Francis is from a different State than myself. But I was surprised as well how similar we all sounded as well, though obviously my voice was the one you found the least jarring.

Also, why not mention this on Westeros the forum that shall not be mentioned?

I don't have any real disdain for Westeros, I would just prefer the entire Bakker online fan community to exist in this place rather than spread out over 2+ sites. By all means, plug the TSAcast and this forum all you want, wherever/whenever you can. I'd do it myself, but I don't have an account over yonder ;).
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« Reply #41 on: May 21, 2014, 01:04:57 pm »
@ Madness - lol...yeah...long storied history...now i feel old  ;D Maybe that'd be a good custom name for me... The True Old Name  ;) And yes, i think 45 min would be closer to the "let us just listen to it right now"-impulse.
On the other hand it is difficult to time such things that perfectly. I guess if you have to chose between topically well rounded and "closed" and short but not much happened...then that is not really a choice .... so yeah, better to err on the former side than on the latter.
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« Reply #42 on: May 21, 2014, 04:13:36 pm »
We can always do more 45min episodes ;).
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« Reply #43 on: May 21, 2014, 06:22:53 pm »
I was thinking the typical podcast could stay at the 45 minute + mark, but we could also hyper focus on certain topics and keep them to 15 - 30 minutes which would enable us to do more of them.  That was more along the lines of what I was thinking when I volunteered for a future podcast.

There is no way my son and my babies momma would let me get my nerd on for over an hour!


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« Reply #44 on: May 21, 2014, 07:10:20 pm »
lol GJ we'll work it out. Some can be longer, others shorter. We can even pre-record intro and outro. Also, we plan on showcasing each new participant like we did with this one, and that could even be recorded separately.

Splicing together simple audio files is not particularly difficult, so if you still want to do this and an hour or even 45 minutes is too much, we can pare it down to small chunks.

TSAcast #1 probably took 2 hours to do. We spent like 30 minutes discussing the plan before we started recording, and talked about it for a bit afterwards. If you can only swing 30 minutes at max, we'll do something different, or record over multiple sessions. We'll get you in, no worries.
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