My personal theory from the Quorum: The Sclyvendi will side with The Consult to give us a PoV from inside The Consult. And maybe some of my new favourite characters, The Mutilated! The reason is that surly The Sclyvendi will not go against their God, to honour tradition at least. Moe however, will probably be much conflicted but I don't see much choice for him. Maybe he will betray the Consult later, but at the beginning, you can't save a whole army from the Horde 2.0 ( And after seeing Cnaiür shredded, I don't think the chieftains will keep their word.Though I think Cnaiür Ciphrang will do some shit. ) And besides, DON'T YOU WANT A CONSTANT POV THAT'S INSIDE THE CONSULT ??!