Is there a difference between the Consults's savior or the Ordeal's? At what point does one side start working for the other's
Khellus must have figure that the logistics of the Great Ordeal would fail (he lived through the desert), and they would eat Sranc. His Imperial Bounty was two-fold: clear the immediate area of Sranc, while determining what effects long term effects of fighting and living in Sranc territory. Thus, he realized the GO would get as far as the nuke to destroy the horde.
At which point he gave up the GO, rallied the Zayumi to arms (by probably killing their king, and launching a war against the Three Seas), then having the Scylendi destroy the GO, as they turned against the Gods under the command of a man who now hates Khellus (rape tends to turn folks against the rapist).
Then, Khellus can teleport in to Golgotteroth, let the world burn, and gain salvation Either through the Gods or because the world will be destroyed.