Aphorism of the Day: Give me an eye blind enough, and I will transform guttering candles into exploding stars.
Isn't it the other way around?
More information (exploding star) -> bottlenecked data-bus/consciousness (eye blind enough) -> less information (guttering candles)
Have Bakker's aphorisms finally gotten the better of him?
It suffers a little that way. But you need
more information to tell what you're seeing is a guttering candle, not less. It's like when you give a little kid a dollar and they get really, really excited. Because they don't know any better. But yeah, blindness tends to remove information, fuzzifying stuff and making less of more. It does seem more like it's Cishy that way.
Probably something like : Give me an eye
small enough and I will transform a guttering candle into a super nova.
'Blind' probably has too many cultural connotations in regards to people recognising they are losing their sight. It doesn't harken much to anognosia or whatever it's called.
Edit: Anosognosia. Sog of sogs.