Finding the structure of Reddit thoughtly incomprhensible, here I am to attempt to organize
The TUC Reddit AMA with R. Scott Bakker in a manner that is more "readable" to me.
Where does the judging eye get its subjectivity? In other words, why is sin SIN? In my mind, perhaps there is no answer, the God has its own reasons, its own unconscious motivation perhaps. But it seems some animals are more holy than others, some acts more heinous than others. Is this human morality (Mimara interpeting what she sees) or God's morality? Is there a reason for this morality?Answer: Ad hoc arbitrariness is the problem all traditional religions share. Blind consensus covers this arbitrariness over, but as soon as you start asking questions, it becomes ever more obvious. Ethics and meta-ethics represent attempts to rationalize this arbitrariness, but can never seem to bootstrap any scheme out of the mire of philosophical disputation, leading to the suspicion that they too, are arbitrary. The suspicion in our world is that moral authority basically boils down to power. The fact in the World is that this arbitrariness is an objective feature of reality. Since modern readers rely on modern versions of blind consensus, the idea was to write a fantasy that would grate against moral sensibilities, calling attention to the plight of all morality in the modern age.
I'll have a second shot at my question from the SA forum - when Mimara sees Esme as saved, the responce is she is saved. It's great she's out of the eternal torture machines grasp (jn that way), but is there a theme here that what might be taken as caring is kind of powered by hate? I mean, how saved can you be when to be in that position requires massive torture - or is that too bleeding heart? Anyway, I kinda got that from the book - I wondered if it was actually intended to be there.
Also Happy Ent pointed out the idea that destroying one of the horns of Golgoterath is symbolic of the pairing down of possibilities represented in branching trees previously and the mysterious twig, down to a final pair being the horns - one of which is pruned. Did he call it?
Also is Aurang actually dead?Answer: Sorry I missed this, scrollbreak.
My answer to shaik2016 covers this, I think. You need only be liked. The answer is as simple and as complicated as that. Many things the God hates, such as premeditation and rarely forgives. If one's heart is 'in the right place,' this often helps. But you have to ask Him - I fear he stopped talking to me a long time ago! Apparently he only likes those who believe as children do.
Happy Ent is a wise and jolly soul. I would trust him regarding all symbolic matters involving thorns, horns, and branches.
Aurang is dead, yes.
What's next for you?
Will the ending for TUC be made clearer in the following books?
How long until the name for the next series is revealed? My bet is on
Talking about following books, what is the current plan for more fiction in Earwa?
Are you writing more papers in the style of On Alien Philosophy?
Are more detective-style novels in the works?
Also, your works are fucking mindfucks, pardon the french, of the highest order and I love them. Not only my favorite fantasy, but favorite literary work I have ever read.Answer: Hindsight often has a tendency to clarify things - there are revelations to come, certainly! I'm guessing the next iteration of "What has come before..." will be a welcome read for some readers.
The next series is, and always has been, entitled The No-God.
There's the matter of the last surviving full Dunyain Anasurimbor on the loose--that's what's been commanding my attention most these days. I'm actually just finishing a paper on literature after the death of meaning for a big anthology on Philosophy and Literature by Palgrave. I sorely wish to write another Disciple Manning novel (The Enlightened Dead has been my working title for, like, ever, now) but genre jumping has proven to be a punishing experience, sales-wise.
Thanks for digging the vision, simbyotic. The whole point is to complete the circuit and loose the whirlwind!
Hello Scott!
I'm a big fan of your books (I especially liked the descent into "hell" that Mimara and Achamian makes). I do wonder about the fact that Kellhus couldn't spot his own son. I understand that by then he had somehow been possessed by the gods but at the same time it was also Kellhus? It left me kind of confused. Was it a temporary blindness that doomed him or something else?
Thank you so much for your books, they are by far the most violent, disturbing, dark fantasy I've ever read and I love it!Answer: Thanks, nohearts! Great handle, btw.
Precisely the same thing has happened with Kelmomas twice before, the first time with the first incarnation of the White-Luck Warrior on the Andiamine Heights, the second with Sorweel/Yatwer in the Umbilicus.
Hey Scott,
Thanks for doing this!
Now that TAE is finished, is there anything you can tell us about The Series that Shall Not Be Named? And what about after that? What does the future hold for R. Scott Bakker once the vision is complete?Answer: So for over 30 years now I've lived with the certainty that I would die before completing The Aspect-Emperor. For me, in a powerful sense, the story ends here with the death of Kellhus and the birth of the No-God. I've scribbled down countless ideas and scenes pertaining to The No-God in the interim, but I have nothing resembling the thousandfold thought born in that teenager's fantasy/philosophy besotted head all those years ago. No grand plan. For the first time in my life I find myself a 'discovery writer.'
And I'm excited to be alive!
TUC was the most brutal of all the books. I am excited and hopeful that we will get the next chapter in Earwa. Were Inri Sejenus and/or Fane Dunyain?Answer: Breaks my heart. I'm not sure why Immiriccas saddens me so.
As for Fane and Inri-Sejenus, neither were Dunyain.
So what was Kellhuses big plan and its endgame? How did being possessed by Ajokli factor into it?
Did Ajokli abandon Kellhus to be salted in the end? Did Kelmomames presence break possession somehow?
What was up with an image of Kellhus descending to greet the Ordeal and turning into NoGod? Was it a decoy hologram of some kind? Were those some kind of parallel universe shenanigans? (EDIT: oh, I see Bakker answered on TSA forums that this was, in fact, a decoy hologram)
Were the proto-Inchoroi meant to be Earwans? Were they meant to be Earthlings?
Will the final, conclusive series be called "The Second Apocalypse", "A Pile of Salt" or "The God of Endless Hunger"?
Why is Esmi mostly holy while Serwe was, apparently, damned? What made a difference?
When Kellhus is talking to the Mutilated, what language are they speaking? I'd imagine it would make sense for them to use their native Dunyanic, but why does Malowebu understand it then?Answer: Kellhus's endgame was to prevent Resumption and save the World. He knew something was amiss, and that the closer he came to Golgotterath the more amiss it became, but he, ultimately, was every bit as blind as we are to the darkness that comes before.
Kelmomas is the No-God, and as such invisible to the Gods. He stands outside the outside. This is why he short-circuits both incarnations of the White-Luck Warrior. And this is why he short-circuits Ajokli/Kellhus. This is why only Kellhus is salted.
The Inchoroi are not proto-Earwans.
The final series is entitled The No-God.
My answer to shaik2016 covers this.
Souls speak but one language. They need only remember it.
What overall theme or point are you trying to make clear with TSA? You tend to tie your philosophy into your works of fiction, which I find extremely helpful in understanding wtf is said on TPB, so how does TSA tie into that?
Here's what I'm thinking, hopefully it's not way off base. Thaf the pitfall of humanity is our ignorance. That we all fall into the same trap every time - time and time again. We are the Gods, We are the Dunyain. The Nonmen. The Inchoroi. The Consult. We are simply our own infinite folly - the kind only possible by those who think infinitely of themselves. We each believe we won the 'magical belief lottery'. That OUR certainty is certainly correct because we see so much farther than everyone else.
TSA is the story of ourselves, falling into traps we set ourselves and saw coming and yet still fell for them - still fall for them - ad infinitum.Answer: The preposterous idea was to write the only kind of scripture that could be written at the end of civilization, so one of the things I did was invert the biblical emphasis on belief and fidelity--thus the textual emphasis on ignorance, doubt, and folly.
When I was fourteen I stumbled upon the problem of free will all by my lonesome, and it fucked me up large. The original idea, that of a prophet rallying humanity to overcome the No-God, grew out of the combination of that dark epiphany and my passion for epic SF&F. My old AD&D crew actually set out on a quest to destroy the Consult and the No-God!
In university a few years afterward, I read Dennett and Hofstadter on memes, and the idea of turning my prophet into a 'meme master' struck me as a lightning bolt. The Dunyain were born. While studying modernism, I realized that fantasy actually provided the perfect literary vehicle. Where the modernist paradigm always features a protagonist struggling to find meaning in a meaningless world (typically through some form of love), I realized I was writing a photographic negative of that, the story of a meaningless character struggling in a meaningful world.
These books are 'about' many things, but the overarching theme is the death of meaning. The crash site of the Ark echoes our 'crash space,' the way all the stone age tools we evolved to make sense of our lives and our time belong to an ancestral ecology that is in the process of collapsing before our very eyes.
First of all, I loved the final battle in TUC. It really brought the epic conclusion that the previous books promised us.
However, I wasn't quite clear on what happened with Kellhus when facing the other Dunyain and he somehow merges with Ajokli? Why would he do that if it meant it would make him blind to the Unholy Consult/No God?
Another question: Now that you are 7 books further down and look back at the Darkness that comes before, what would you have done differently if you were writing that book now?Answer: Thanks, Theyis. To ask Mimara's question of Achamian, why assume Kellhus is in control of everything? The text is littered with indications that he wasn't.
There's several continuity issues I would love to resolve. But the big thing I would do is tell the entirety of Kellhus's story. I only realized the genius of Frodo-type characters afterward, the way they pair the reader with an innocent, allowing him or her to learn the complexities of the world with the protagonist.
Hi Scott. Big fan since i picked up the first book back in 2004. You're the only author i still purchase in print form.
About your latest book: The Unholy Consult.
I'm going to leave others to ask about the Golden Room, Kellhus/Ajokli and whether or not Shauriatus is soul disperded amongst the Dunyain.
What i really want to know is what is the significance of all the untimely deaths in 4121 and does it tie in with Kellhus training in the Daimos. Anything to do with the Decapitants.
And if you are feeling really generous, could you say if we will ever hear more of Eanna and the tribe that repudiated the Tusk.
Many thanksAnswer: Some shrewd questions, SimilarSimian... I fear your spade has struck hard, golden RAFO.
I hope questions not about your fantasy series are also allowed.
Do you see anyone currently taking up your call for a post intentional humanities and if so can you list them?
What is your advice for those of us who are interested exploring the ethical implications of BBT yet lack academic or scientific standing?
Are there other people producing fiction that you think explore these themes?
When is Through The Brain Darkly going to be released?
What are your plans when it comes to future posts on BBT etc.?
Will the Enlightened Dead ever be released?
You recently said that you would not have given Neuropath the same ending if you were to write it now you have a child. Do you have any idea what ending you would now chose for it?
Just want to conclude by saying thank you for your writing and here's hoping you never stop butting horns with the wankademic intentional establishment!Answer: All questions are allowed, save those concerning the great toe on my right foot.
Post-intentional humanities are coming, but thanks to the tenure system, a great number of retirements are required for it to embraced as such. The first of the tools are already in play, and people like Joe Carroll and Keith Oatley and the growing band of 'cognitive literary theorists' are clearing the underbrush. But no one in the academy--at least that I've been able to find--has been able to see their way past traditional illusions of meaning. The invitation to contribute to Palgrave's new Literature and Philosophy anthology has been a big step: I'll be sending my contribution out any day now. And once the first AI written novel climbs the bestseller list, things will loosen up, I'm sure.
The best way to explore post-intentional thinking short scientific or academic standing, I think, is via fiction. That's what I've been doing! Peter Watts is exploring all this stuff in fantastic ways. Ligotti, and all the Lovecraftians seem to be following similar trails, or so I've been told.
Through the Brain Darkly is on my 'to complete' list, but at the moment, I find myself absolutely terrified by the AI debate. I have a number of articles in the work, all of them aimed at mass media platforms, all them arguing the urgent, urgent (URGENT) need to begin looking at AI in cognitive ecological terms. If everything I'm saying about heuristic neglect is even remotely true, then the slow slide into the semantic apocalypse is about to go exponential.
If I ever get a chance to write The Enlightened Dead it will be released. I love that guy. As for Neuropath, I waver. Soul-rotting, that book. An indecision machine. But the ideas it conveys are only growing more important, not less. What is the Whitehouse, anymore, if not yet another crash space?
I will never stop poking eyes, you never need fear that! Thanks, johnbriz.
What a reckoning! The Amiolas you've written is a fucking trip, buddy!
Thinking of informative lobs...
On the recent Second Apocalypse Q&A, you mentioned that someone is showing interesting in TSTSNBN (though, you named it there, I don't want to spoil exclusive redditors on your behalf). Can you tell us the publisher? Is it Overlook? If it's not Overlook, would they part with the rights to PON/TAE so that a new publisher can reprint, say, new canonical box sets.
You also mentioned that the TV rights for PON had been optioned as far back as September on your blog and now revealed that "Amazon welched on the TV deal." Anything else you can tell us about future possibilities?
Are there any projects, like the mysterious Lollipop Factory you mentioned last AMA, that you're working on, would like to work on, or have completed that you'd like to talk about?
Looking forward to Zaudunyanicon, brother!Answer: Thanks Mike--a Cauldron of souls it is!
Everyone's holding their breath, waiting to see what happens with the series, whether it gains the visibility it needs to bootstrap the backlist. I'm forging ahead regardless. I would love to see the whole series marshaled beneath the same banner, but we shall see.
I have nothing to report on the optioning front, I fear. But there's nothing like these books. I think it's only a matter of time, especially with a rowdy fan base like you all!
I actually reserved the recovery report for my crashed harddrive, and from the looks of things The Lollipop Factory is part of the 75% they were able to save.
Zaudunyanicon it is!
Hello, word dancer.
I have two questions, one decidedly banal, one less so.
1.) At one point in the first series, I believe in TTT, you make mention of the terrifying concept of a skin spy with a Mark, as if that is going to play a role of some importance. To remembrance, it doesn't come up again. Where did (do?) you intend to take that concept?
2.) As a writer, I feel like one of the most fruitful techniques for extracting realism and depth from characters is "letting them write their own story". At a certain point of development, they become well formed enough to show you a truer path through the narrative of them.
Is this a phenomenon with which you are familiar and, if so, is there a character that springs to mind who embodies the concept most strongly in your work?
Thank you for any discussion. You are among my very favorite authors of all time.Answer: Thank you, Irixian.
The skin-spy you're referring to, I'm pretty sure, is the thing called Simas.
As for characterization, it almost feels like these people have always lived in my head. Sometimes they go away, but they always come back. They take turns getting disgusted with me, and me with them. I really am an oddball from a writerly standpoint, I guess, given that I've pursued what amounts to a single cast of characters for the entirety of my professional career.
Hey there, throwing in my couple of questions:
You argued in The Second Apocalypse that both Quya and Dunyain are mistaken in that the absolute cannot be attained, either by will (magic) or comprehension (logos), however we see that Koringus actually achieves it. Am I missing something, or in truth he didn't get it?
About Oblivion, why do souls that go unnoticed by Outside agencies simply vanish at the subject's death? Asking this simply for clarification's sake, but as it was explained in the books, wouldn't the soul simply create their own subjective space on the Outside?
Finally, and please don't take this as s critique, when asked about some specific scenes, such as Kellhus pulling Serwe's shining heart, for example, you always point that the uncertainty of interpretation is one of the key points of such scenes. I'm absolutely okay with that, but do you think that there is any real difference between what you're trying and simply stating a Deus ex Machina situation? In the end in both cases things happen because they happen, and trying any further interpretation is futile.
Anyways, thank you very much for your time and I wish you good luck with the publication of The No-God. By the way, just for curiosity, do you have any provisional title for the first book?Answer: Does Koringus achieve it? The question is your answer. The idea is that our most certain end, oblivion, is the least certain in the World. It simply follows from the inverted ontology of the World. Oblivion arguably counts as a form of embracing the absolute, insofar as it collapses the dichotomy of subject and object.
The problems souls encounter in the Outside is that they're puny, and so find themselves trapped in intentional realities belonging to infernal and divine agencies. This is why powerful souls (think Gin'yursis) often carve out different fates after death.
I'm not sure I get your use of deus ex machina, since this refers to saving the day via arbitrary plot mechanisms. This is bad because it's lazy. The way you use it, it applies to all true-crime fiction, or any form of writing lacking conventional narrative 'closure,' doesn't it? And what's lazy about intentionally delivering readers to points that deny stable interpretation? It's hard bloody work, let me tell you!
Could it be you possess narrative instincts, the way we all do, that balk at the absence of closure? Some find it more difficult than others. And all this means is that you viscerally feel the problem of meaning more keenly than most.
The question is what do you do next. Do you rationalize, chalk your narrative frustration up to my failure, or do you open yourself up to a new kind of narrative experience. Either I've failed you, or I've shown you a new way to experience meaning. Although I totally understand why people opt for the first, I just don't see what they gain from it.
Hi Scott- I first have to say that I haven't yet read your work, but it is the very first thing in my to-read list. My question regards the role of philosophy in your work, as I understand you are ABD in your PhD. What thinkers (or concepts) are most influential in your work, and where do you fall in the continental-analytic "split"?
I have a continental background (undergrad thesis on Deleuze, and moderate readings in Foucault and Derrida) so I'm wondering, if it's the case that you're more analytic, how much of a divergence there would be between the way you explore or pursue philosophy and how I've been exposed to it.Answer: It's the attitudes toward ontology and epistemology that most clearly divides the two camps. But as you know there's a host of other factors as well. But apart from diverging views on the priority of the how versus the what, they both share a deep commitment to the ability of intentional cognition to actually solve for intentionality, despite the millennia of disputation--the inability to even agree on any formulation of their ontological or epistemological explananda, let alone any explanation of them.
I like to think I've moved beyond it all, that I'm charting 'post intentional' philosophical territory. My opening blurb actually has a link to my Journal of Consciousness Studies piece, "On Alien Philosophy," which lays out the confusions afflicting both camps in a horrifyingly parsimonious fashion.
So, we didn't get to see it, but who do you think would have come out on top in an Kakaliol (Demon) vs Skuthula (dragon) all out brawl, in a topos?Answer: Interesting question! It would have to be Skuthula, tho.
Hi Scott, congrats on making it to Book 7.
So I really enjoyed your recommendation of ** Moral Tribes** and ** Homo Dues** any other good books in the same space ?
Piggybacking on this, its 7 books in and I still have no idea what the Absolute is; what Subject and Object are and how they can collapse into one. Reading the above books helped me to really appreciate some of the main themes in your book, is there any other approachable book I can read to understand the ideas behind the Absolute ?
Finally is Kellhus/the Dunyain your idea of what Strong AI may be like ?Answer: Thanks, Kriptical. In terms of recent reads, I quite liked Dennett's latest, as well as Sperber and Mercier's book on reason. But I would actually recommend Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow, as well as Haidt's, The Self-Righteous Mind.
Hegel is the go to person on all things absolute, but I wouldn't visit that on anyone! Consider the difference between what you're presently looking at (an objective thing) and how you're looking (via subjective experience). Thus the famous subject/object dichotomy. So say you pose the question, which comes first? An idealist believes the object is a figment of the subject, whereas a materialist believes the subject is a figment of the object. Once you begin playing this game, everything bogs down into disputation, and it seems there's no escape. Hegel's 'absolute' stands among one of the more famous escape attempts.
As for Kellhus and AI, yes. One of the things I want people to understand is the degree to which 'freedom' is a function of where you stand in the pecking order of intelligences. We're actually on the cusp of becoming 'worldborn,' given that the rudimentary 'conversational user interfaces' presently being sold to corporations by Microsoft, just for instance, have access to vast data sets allowing them to predict your preferences better than you can predict them yourself.
So many questions. I'll try not to be greedy and stick with one topic:
You referred to the Mutilated (on the SA forum) as the Sons of Imimorul. An interesting quote from TUC, where our Skin-Spy Serwe says:"The Nonmen seek the Absolute" ... "They practice Elision, thinking they can hide themselves from Judgement, and so pass into Oblivion unseen, find absolution in the Absolute. The Dunyain use the same word the Kuniuri inherited from the Nonmen, but enamoured of intellect and reason, they believe it to be a goal ..."
It made me wonder if the Dunyain were originally created by the Nonmen as an experimental "race" with the sole purpose of finding "Elision". When the Apocalypse happened they ended up migrating and finding Ishual, continuing with their single goal. The Dunyain believe history needs to be forgotten, so they wouldn't know their origins.
With your added blurb above, I have to wonder if the Dunyain are as old as Imimorul, and he simply created them (along with the Nonmen) to have help finding Oblivion. Did Imimorul create the Inchoroi as well? Did he simply beat them to Earwa? Gotta admit, their stories and goals are very similar. Why not cast a wide net to solve your problem instead of focusing on one potential solution?
Is the story of planting his flesh inside of Lions (to create the Nonmen) related to the Tekne and creation of sranc / skin-spies? I ponder the similarities between Imimorul, the Larvals, and (to an extent) Mutilated. Perhaps this is the reason for the awful things done to their bodies.Answer: I never refer to them as the Sons of Imimorul, though I recall answering a question regarding them as well as a question whether we'll see the Cunuroi in the future in the same sentence.
The Dunyain are a product of the Apocalypse, the collection of a group of refugees who blame their misfortune on sorcery and dysrationalia. Imimorul has nothing to do with the Inchoroi either, though I feel bad for nixing a surprising and interesting line of speculation!
Thank you for taking the time and answering our questions! Mine is as follows:
Are topoi and anarcane grounds connected to Earwa being the Promised World?Answer: Thank you, SmilerLoki. Only insofar as they are isolated, surrounded by arcane grounds. The Inchoroi homeworld, for instance, is entirely anarcane.
I am terrible at coming up with questions on the spot. Was the idea of time as a constant cira kelmonas and the white luck I can't believe I didn't see that coming. Was he always going to be the no god?Answer: Kelmomas was always the No-God.
1.) Is Earwa a computer simulation?
2.) Are the Inchoroi literally supposed to be mankind from Earth's future or just a cautionary representation?
3.) Have we seen the last of Eryelk? The Knife of Many Hands seems like it was the beginning of something larger.
4.) What video games are you into besides NHL? Are there any fantasy RPGs that had an impact on you?
5.) You said you took a copy of TDTCB to show your Dad, since he always thought working on your tabletop campaign was a waste of time. How did he react to it?
6.) Do you think the depravity in these books enhances the audience's experience enough to compensate for the readers it drives away?
7.) Were Moenghus and Maithanet at odds during the First Holy War? Moenghus cuts a deal to sabotage the crusaders but it seems like Maitha really wanted them to make it to Shimeh.
8.) Would Inrilatas have activated System Resumption if he were placed in the Ark?
9.) Why was Nau-Cayuti able to activate System Initiation?
10.) What was Kellhus' plan for Achamian in this series? Why did he send the Skin Eaters to find Nil'Giccas and wait by Hunoreal?
11.) If Kellhus didn't care if the Empire fell, why didn't he just leave it to Maithanet anyway?
12.) Does Kellhus love Esmenet?Answer:
1.) No.
2.) No.
3.) I hope not, but I have no immediate plans.
4.) Some Total War. I make a point of playing each new CoD.
5.) He grinned and congratulated me.
6.) Only time will tell. In the meantime, trackless ground is trackless ground.
7.) No.
8.) No.
9.) Because his brain could complete the System circuit.
10.) To witness his fidelity.
11.) Because his brother was part-Dunyain.
12.) She's a blindspot, possessing some consequence, but no more than an anomaly.
Hello, and thanks for writing the most disturbing, depraved, and darkest books I've probably ever read. Sorry if these questions are irrelevant or asked and explained elsewhere. I just finished The Unholy Consult yesterday and they stem from the Confusion That Comes After, and are rambling fruits of my attempt to digest what I just read.
Did Kellhus fail because of his professed abandonment of Logos as the ultimate path, and his pact with Gods? In any case he wasn't truly walking the Conditioned Ground any longer? If indeed walking it is possible at all (see below).
Why didn't Kellhus see that Esmenet would free Kelmomas and that Kelmomas would seek the Inchoroi, when he clearly otherwise saw what Kelmomas was?
Was Malowebi right about the Dûnyain being as Sranc or Inchoroi, at the end engineered towards a singleminded goal/Cause, the Logos and the Absolute, unable to pursuit anything else, and thus in fact becoming the very opposite of a self-moving soul?
What is the true role of the Gods? If Kelmomas is invisible to the Gods, what has touched him? Or are they just tools to emphasize the arbitrariness and randomness of the universe, the absurdity of the pursuit of mastering existence and life in general, the futility of trying to fight the darkness that comes before, the impossibility of escaping the ultimate flailing blindness of existence? Like the final irony of the results of the Dûnyain breeding experiment.Answer: Thank you distantdiscord: Kellhus became less Kellhus and more Ajokli the nearer he came to Golgotterath. He failed to execute on the Thousandfold Thought because he took the stability of his personal identity for granted.
Because he's under spiritual duress, while planning to assault the most dread fortress that ever existed.
Under a certain interpretation he is unquestionably right. But a great number of interpretations can be argued here.
Plato has a version of this question, as does Nietzsche. They are a fantastic conceit, of course, but within the logic of the World, they can be seen as the Unconscious of the real, and so in an important sense prior to questions of rationality.
Big fan of world building, so i have to ask: What is in Eanna, and will we see it at some point. I know from a world building POV that all authors need an end to their world (this question could also be asked of Tolkien, GRRM, etc.), but the Kayarsus mountain range at the Eastern edge of your map makes me wonder about the relationship between Eanna and Earwa.Answer: RAFO - the second one!
One thing I can say is that edges of my maps will never be filled in. What characterizes ancient worlds, profoundly, I think, is the degree to which they are encircled in darkness.
Hello Scott,
Congratulations on finishing the Aspect-Emperor series! I am awestruck at the series.
I have tried to work out for myself what your series is commenting on. And if I understand it correctly, there are multiple moralities at play in the world of Earwa. There is the saving and damnation by the gods, and there is Kellhus' attempt to save humanity from the consult, but both of these actions do not align along the same vectors of morality. On top of that, there are any senses of morality that readers themselves bring into the text. And none of these moralities is shown as the ultimate reality in Earwa. Is this close to what you were aiming for with this series? Even the confrontation at Golgotterath undermines any conclusion about which morality is right or wrong. greets, HSAnswer: Thank you, HumanSieve.
Yes. All the lines of moral speculation (many of which are incompatible, as you say) converge on Golgotterath, the point where all meaning and morality breakdown. And this crash site is meant reflect our contemporary crash space of meaning and morality. I wanted Golgotterath to be the point where the story climbs out of the World, and onto the skin of our planet.
Let me just start by saying that TUC was amazing, but it sure raises a lot of questions (like much good art does).
1.) Why did Kellhus say to Proyas that the Inchoroi must win? Was he arguing from the perspective of the Consult?
2.) If the 100 are re-written in the shadow of Golgotterath, does that mean that if the World is closed to the Outside, the Gods will cease to exist as they have always not existed?
3.) How are the 100 re-written? How can the Ark be a disfiguring absence if it's "sentience" is dead and the No-God isn't resurrected?
4.) Is the vision of Gilgaöl Akka has while dreaming of being Celmomas in TGO Ajokli?'
5.) If your response to Tasty_Y is meant to be read as Kellhus genuinely wanting to save the World, does that mean that he didn't count on getting possessed? Also, when did Ajokli start inhabiting him/speaking to him? Was it on the Circumfix?Answer: Thank you WA.
1.) Is that what he says?
2.) That's definitely a suggestive interpretative possibility.
3.) The Ark isn't invisible, only its meaning. That's the disfiguring absence.
4.) The Trickster is as eternal as any of the other Gods.
5.) That which comes after determines what comes before.
My first time asking a question on one of these AMAs, I'm very self-conscious about it.
In some posts on Three Pound Brain you've written about how authors who strive to create Literature should reject the Myth of the Vulgar Cage and embrace genre fiction. Do you know of, or can you recommend any authors who seem to be doing this?Answer: There's many people here who could answer that question better than I could, dharm. One of my greatest shames/regrets is having stopped reading in the genres I write. Cognitive science owns me anymore--as you probably know better than most!
i get that the gods can't see Kelmomas, but was it possible for Kellhus as a human to unravel the nature of the threat he posed? Given the Yatwer face concealer Sorweel was wearing, it's understandable that Kellhus never understood Sorweel was the WLW and missed the significance of what happened. But was it possible for him to unravel what happened with the other WLW? In other words, did he just never have a chance to figure it out because Kelmomas is outside the outside or can we take it that Kellhus failed because he wasn't looking closely enough at things that were right under his nose.Answer: How is Kellhus supposed to find something he never looks for? The Dunyain, for all their intelligence, remain finite. They are every bit as vulnerable to neglect, especially when taxed by something like running an empire, and confronted with a child who can hide within himself, if need be.
What books do you find yourself recommending most to others?Answer: Lately, Homo Deus, by Yuval Noah Harari. And if the ideas he's working with seem difficult or unfamiliar, then I recommend reading it again. He has a low grain, and therefore more accessible, account of the very things I've been warning about for a long, long time. And the tipping point is very near.
Thoughts on the untimely death of Chris Cornell? I know from past discussions you're a big Soundgarden fan.
Do you feel like you're writing what you want to express now? The last two books have been amongst the very best I have ever read and I hope you are more satisfied with your writing than you were with The Darkness That Comes Before.Answer: I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I was angry for a good couple weeks, so much so I probably would have made the mistake of writing about it and so remained angry for the rest of my life. But my computer died just the week before, and I was forced to mull the fact the ancestral way, and to come to grips with the fact, rather than my public statements regarding the fact.
I love what you did with House Anasurimbor. The most interesting family I've ever read.
My question is, will we ever read about them growing up or do you have any prequels/backstory in the plans?Answer: Thanks, er, Kel. The story isn't over yet, so I haven't given much thought to prequels. Say hi to Sammi for me